Here's a list of active puppets (read, those who have commented in the past 6 months or whose typists are still around) that will be constantly updated and linked to from the userinfo.
Please comment if anything needs to be corrected! (LAST UPDATED: 01/26/07)
Princess Jasmine -
princesspwn Beauty and the Beast
Belle -
lover_of_books Boondock Saints
Murphy MacManus -
aequitassanctusConnor MacManus -
veritas_sanctus Brothers Grimm, The
Jack Grimm -
cantholdmealeWilhem -
lady_charmer Casino Royale
James Bond -
remain_detached Child's Play
Charles Lee Ray -
voodoochant Clerks
Dante Hicks -
iamnumber37Randal Graves -
sharkinthesalsa Constantine
John Constantine -
keanustineBalthazar -
cointricks Corpse Bride, The
Victoria Everglot -
victoriaeverglt Dogma
God -
godmodderBethany Sloane -
exscion Godfather, The
Michael Corleone -
family_snapshotFredo Corleone -
ihatefishing Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones -
namedafteradog League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Rodney Skinner -
freaky_darlings Lilo & Stitch
Stitch -
alsocutenfluffy Lion King, The (1 and 2)
Scar -
shiningneweraSimba -
furry_hamletKovu -
asortaromeoKiara -
asortajuliet Little Miss Sunshine
Olive Hoover -
dancingoliveDwayne -
lovesnietzsche Matrix, The
Agent Smith -
satan_program Monster House
The Little Girl -
lalalalalalaa Moulin Rouge
Christian -
moulin_boySatine -
sparkly_satine Night Before Christmas, The
Sally -
dollface_sallyJack Skellington -
kinghalloweenOogie Boogie -
kingofbugs Party Monster
Michael Alig -
to_fabulousness Pirate of the Caribbean
Captain Jack Sparrow -
rumandsparrowsWill Turner -
bloodofapirateElizabeth Swann -
afinewomanJames Norrington -
commodorenomoreScarlett -
l0velyl4dyBootstrap Bill -
twicecursedbillCaptain Barbossa -
cursedmoonlightAnamaria -
whereismyshipTia Dalma -
crazyvoodooladyWeatherby Swann -
pavedpathtohellCutler Beckett -
lordcbeckettJoshamee Gibbs -
thatbebadluckDavy Jones -
deviloftheseaRagetti -
got_my_eye Reservoir Dogs
Mr. Blonde -
mindyourearsFreddy Newendyke -
orangecop Rocky Horror Picture Show
Dr. Frank N. Furter -
asteptotheright Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
Strawberry Fields -
butitsallwrong Sky High
Warren Peace -
notavillainLayla Williams -
couldbeahero Snakes on a Plane
Sean Jones -
firstclassflyerNeville Flynn -
agentonaplaneSnakes -
onnaplane Sunset Boulevard
Betty Schaefer -
loveillusions V for Vendetta
Evey Hammond -
evey_intherainEric Finch -
an_honest_soulV -
notguyfawkes X-men III: The Last Stand
Warren Worthington III -
amutantangel TV Shows
Avatar: The Last Air Bender
Katara -
truewaterbender Babylon 5
Captain Susan Ivanova -
boom_tomorrowMarcus Cole -
therescuerangerJohn Sheridan -
theonewhowillbe Battlestar Galactica
Leoben Conoy -
seethepatterns Blackadder
Queen Elizabeth I -
prettiestnose Black Books
Bernard Black -
not_wonderwomanFran Katzenjammer -
felloutofatreeManny Bianco -
calmlittlebook Cambridge Spies
Anthony Blunt -
alittleofbothGuy Burgess -
queenandcountry Coupling
Sally Harper -
singlewhtfmale Criminal Minds
Dr. Spencer Reid -
reidipedia Dark Angel
Max Guevera -
femalefogbank Dr. Who
Captain Jack Harkness -
51st_centuryguyMickey -
mickey_theidiotThe Doctor -
crazypavingdaysMetaltron -
lastofthedaleksSurgeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan -
sailors_mdRose Tyler -
his_plusone Due South
Benton Fraser -
supermountie Firefly
River Tam -
naughtbutcoalJayne Cobb -
theman_jayneTracey -
someonetocarryMalcolm Reynolds -
tightpants_capnInara Serra -
gold_dahliaHoban Washburne -
dinonavscreenSaffron -
yourwifetooMeadows -
jaynesfanSimon Tam -
hippocratic_lieKaywinnit Lee Frye -
hamstersisniceBadger -
mshroom_mshroomAdelai Niska -
shanyufanboy Friends
Phoebe -
smellycatsongJoey -
howyou_doinChandler -
misschenandlerRachel -
sonotvanilla Futurama
Bender -
ass_of_metalFry -
a_deliveryboy Heroes
Hiro Nakamura -
truehiro House
Dr Gregory House -
greg_house_mdDr Alison Cameron -
drcaresalotDr James Wilson -
dr_messiahDr Lisa Cuddy -
doctorcuddy_mdJulie Wilson -
hatehisgreentieChase -
pauvreducklingDr Eric Foreman -
4manz_md Invader Zim
Invader Zim -
prepare4doomGir -
doomiedoomRed -
redtalltwinDib -
paranormalxpertPurple -
purpletalltwinGaz -
lastsoda Life on Mars
Gene Hunt -
dogs_eat_bones Psych
Shawn Spencer -
not_rly_psychic Red Dwarf
A.J. Rimmer -
oldironballs Star Trek: TNG
Q -
godinafunnyhat Star Trek: Voyager
Seven of Nine -
not_a_drone Stargate (general)
Colonel Harold Maybourne -
h_maybourneLt. Colonel John Sheppard -
majorflyboyDaniel Jackson -
not_dead_again Supernatural
Dean Winchester -
short_n_blondSam Winchester -
tall_n_pretty The Twilight Zone
Anthony Fremont -
verygoodboy Ultraviolet
Michael Colefield -
becauseimust Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars -
justasgodmademe Xena: Warrior Princess
Callisto -
insanewarrior Young Ones, The
Rick -
the_peoplespoetVyvyan -
mindlessvylence Miscellaneous
Teen Girl Squad
Cheerleader -
boyspleaseSo and So -
soandsogoodWhat's Her Face -
_mybloodhurtsThe Ugly One -