Aug 18, 2010 19:07
There is always a chance of getting your heart broken, by friends, family or partners but does that mean that we should not take the opportunity to meet new people and gain more knowledge on how to be a better person?
"Hello." Lisa was welcomed to silence so she shouted a little louder, questioning anybody who could hear. "Is there anybody here?" The last thing Lisa could remember was dropping Ben off at soccer but now she had no idea where she was but she most certainly knew that Ben wasn't with her and that she wasn't in the place she was last.
Looking around she found herself in some kind of lobby, no windows were visible though which had her a little worried, at this point she was unsure of whether to stay where she was or run to find some kind of help.
"Where am I? Anybody?"
Typist: Lisa Braeden, from SUPERNATURAL, lost and more then worried.