Jun 04, 2007 13:08
... heave ho, thieves and beggers, never shall we die...
Thomas squeezed his eyes shut as the executioner reached for the lever. When he opened them, he was standing in a place he'd never been before. It might have been Heaven, since Thomas thought he remembered his mother telling him that good boys go to Heaven. And Thomas had always been a good boy. Quiet, obedient, small for his thirteen years but hard working nonetheless. And then one day their crew had been taken by the East India Trading Company and sent to prison. And now here he was.
He turned his piece of eight over and over in his fingers nervously, looking around for someone, anyone to tell him where he was.
Typist: Just when you thought the song was out of your head... The little boy from the beginning of POTC3, who I have picked up, cuddled, and named Thomas. If anyone finds this post too spoilery I can stick it behind a cut, but I thought since it was just the first five minutes, it'd be alright. Anyway, hurrah for ridiculously minor characters!
the master,
nancy richards,
jack sparrow,
will turner,
jamie richards,
elizabeth swann,