May 07, 2007 22:55
This was not Sherwood Forest. Sure, she was not Robin Hood but she knew her way around pretty well and this place was definitely not Sherwood Forest. It was unlike anything she had seen. She turned to exit the way she came and the pathway she'd follwed was gone. She was beyond confused. People were dressed so strangely. She pulled down the hood of her cloak, and looked around. Her horse was gone too, but that was probably a good thing. A horse would not fit in in a place like this. Whatever it was...
There were things that Marian could never have imagined, and she was bewildered by it all. All of the bright colors, the lights, even the words people were using. This was definitely not Nottingham. It seemed..happier in a way, though she could tell that there were many people who did not seem so happy too. What kind of place was this?
Marian concluded after a few moments of silent thought that this was some sort of Inn. Maybe someone around would know what was going on.
For now, she walked around cautiously, trying to adapt herself to what was going on.
[Typist: Marian of the BBC Robin Hood Series. She's 21 and from the year 1192 so don't mind her questions and confusion]
robin hood,
evey hammond,
luka kovac,