Nov 30, 2006 17:18
Conradin wanders about the garden, matches in his right coat pocket, some slices of ham in his left, and his trouser pockets full of stolen powdered nutmeg. He stops to examine stones, until he finds one that suits him, a rather large, smooth, flat one. He brushes the dirt off as well he can, then tucks it under his arm and continues his search.
Now he is searching for red things. The remaining leaves from autumn, only the brightest. Scarlet berries by the hanful. It is getting rather awkward to carry, so he cuts short his search to find a suitably hidden place to put down the stone. He heaps up his spoils beside it, before searching out some more. After he has plenty of the reddest things he can find, he brings back more boring leaves and twigs. When he has decided he has enough, he begins the ceremonies.
First, he makes sure that the stone he has found is good and flat on the ground, not to mention as clean as he can make it.
The he takes out the ham and places it carefully on the stone, then piles the twigs and duller leaves on and around it. Then out come the matches. "Sredni Vashtar, Sredni Vashtar, O great one, it is your succulent feast." He strikes a match, and lights his primitive pyre. It doesn't work quite that well, as it is his first try, and everything is rather damp, and it gives off a great deal of smoke, but he does his best, re-lighting it and adding more fuel as it needs. Eventually it is quite burnt.
After this is done, he carefully scrapes away the ashes.
Now it is time for the things he is more familiar with.
He carefully arranges his trove of scarlet berries and red leaves on and around the rock, then kneels in front of it. He holds his hand up, palms facing forward, and tilts his head slightly upward, his eyes closed.
"Sredni Vashtar went forth,
His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful."
He repeats this several times, before bowing his head to the ground.
"Sredni Vashtar, we thank you for the many and bountiful boons you have granted us, and the many and bountiful gifts you have given."
Now he begins to dance around the stone, first on one foot, then another. He reaches his hands into his trouser pockets and brings out the nutmeg, which he sprinkles on and around the stone, and the objects on it.
"Sredni Vashtar the Good, Sredni Vashtar the Wonderful, Sredni Vashtar the Bold, Sredni Vashtar the Fierce, Sredni Vashtar the Good, Sredni Vashtar the Just, Sredni Vashtar the Merciless, Sredni Vashtar the Great, Sredni Vashtar the Fearless, Sredni Vastar the Beautiful, Sredni Vashtar the Powerful"
His chant continues in this vein for a good while, with many various adjectives, sometimes repeated. He begins to repeat more and more as it goes on, but soon runs out of powdered nutmeg.
Now his ceremony is done, and he bows to the stone.