Through the Pool of Tears

Nov 29, 2006 01:01

It seems odd that one would find a puddle in the middle of the floor at random. It seems even odder that a man would suddenly spring from it, though that hardly made it less true.

Hatter takes in his surroundings. The Pool, he reasons, must have transported him here. Carefully, he withdraws a silver object from an inner coat pocket. A moment of tinkering, which he is careful to hide from prying eyes, the object somehow becomes a top hat, which he places on his head and straightens.

"Excuse me," he says, not to any one person - just anyone who will listen, his tone firm and commanding. "I'm looking for Princess Alyss Heart. Has anyone seen her?"

Typist: Hatter Maddigan from The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. The royal bodyguard and generally stoic, but a kickass fighter. He's waring a long coat, wrist cuffs and, of course, his top hat.

white queen, nemesis, jackrabbit, introduction

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