((Typist: All right, I'm going to include my note at the beginning. Because I need to explain. Originally the twins, Helena "Jess" and Graham (
comeintwos) were going to share a journal--
eyes_like_twins-- but because I could not find a proper icon for the journal, I opted to go for separate journals. However, the twins will be played as one entity, by one typist, and will make appearances on the other's journal. Graham will always type "in the default font". While Jess will always type "in italics". I was asked by SarahBorden!Typist to pick up the Borden twins and so I have. In a rather unorthodox way. The first reply to this introduction will be from Graham to help better the flow. Each journal has an icon of the other so there will never be any mistake in who is talking.
Helena "Jess" and Graham Borden are from The Prestige, the twins of Alfred and Sarah Borden. Why yes, together their names do say "All good things come in twos".))
The pair don't seem to realize that anything is amiss. They're seated outside in the grass, Jess playing with her dolls and Graham tinkering with something or other. Neither is paying much attention to anything, but the sandy haired boy keeps a close watch on his golden haired sister, as any proper brother and escort would. She meets his eyes a moment and returns to tracing the cheek of her favorite doll.
They seem close in age, seven, eight, nine at most, and have a strong resemblance to one another, but they are hardly identical. He is taller, and lankier, with darker hair and eyes while she is rounder with bright eyes and golden curls. The peace about them is disturbed when Jess looks up, head tipping and she stands. "Graham? Where's home?"
Where once, within sight, there had been a simple enough home that they had shared with their father there is the Mansion and Jess is noticeably distressed. "Daddy!"