Sausages! Pig sausages! Inna bun!

Sep 19, 2006 00:22

It is a law of nature that wherever any crowd of people is gathered, someone will show up to try and sell them something in a bun.

That person is this man: a skinny, scruffy man with an enormous overcoat bulging with merchandise (some of which might be valuable, or at least edible, but don't bet on it) and a tray hanging from his shoulders. The strange lumps on it may be some kind of meat product. For a very generous definition of "meat".

Without preamble, he wanders into the Mansion and begins to hawk his wares in a strident voice:

GET YER PIG SAUSAGES! C.M.O.T. Dibbler's my name! Pig sausages inna bun! Honest merchant from Ankh-Morpork, I am! Pig sausages, two for a dollar - and that's cuttin' me own throat, that is!

Typist: Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler is from the Discworld books, as one of Ankh-Morpork's more . . . charming features.

Don't eat anything he sells you, ever. When he says "meat from a named animal", he means "Fido" or "Spot".

mordred, susan sto helit, introduction, gaspode, dibbler

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