Jul 28, 2006 23:12
*A man walks (well, more collapses, really) in. He sports a too-small coat and a black beret. Tangled in his arms are various cleaning instruments, including (notably) a broom, a dustpan, and a large bucket. When he speaks, his words come out rushed and as tangled as the mess in his arms.* I'm Walter Plinge sirs and misses! Pleased to meet you! I'm an odd job man! Work in the Opera House! Don't know how I got here! I'd be happy to do some work though while I'm here!
Typist: Walter Plinge, ladies and gentlemen, of Terry Pratchett's Maskerade. He's a bit confusing now, but he's got a...different side to him that he doesn't often show. And he is a dear. :) Same typist as Carmen, by the way.
william de worde,
sally von humpeding,
walter plinge,
andrew ffoulkes,
elanor gamgee