Crack Plot Continuation

Jan 28, 2006 07:47

Silently delivered to the following people is a neatly packaged little envolope, bearing their name:

Alexandre Joly
Armand St. Just
Jareth King
Macalaurë Canafinwë
Mark Thropp-Cohen
Metatron, The
Neylafinwë Maitimo
Nolofinwë Arakáno

The beginning of the survey reads, "Thank you for participating in our survey! Remember that your results will be perfectly confidental, so feel no need to cheat; however, as a safety percaution (so that others can't intercept this and change your answers), the paper will refuse to let a pen write on it when the weilder is lying.

Please return the survey to the place where you found it; we shall pick it up as soon as it is done. Many thanks for your co-operation,

Morwen and Esther
Head Chairwomen of the EAT Foundation"

Underneath this note is the Survey.

There are, of course, extra surveys pinned up by the original notice.

Typist: When your puppet takes the survey, please post their results here! :D Thank you!

phlegethon, finwe, horatio, set, charlie, joly, crackplot, armand, maglor, morwen, gabriel, balthazar, quentin compson, sweeney todd, lucifer, elphaba, raphael, metatron, mark cohen, jareth

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