Beholde my sworde!

Jan 15, 2006 00:45

Brave knyghtes all, I, Sir Bors de Ganys, am com to joyne youre fayre table. I am a knyghte of the noble Kynge Arthures Rounde Table, and one of my moste prominent appearances ys in the work of one Sir Thomas Malory.

I am a chaste knyghte wythe a shyney sworde. I am untemptable!! Except for that one tyme, but... after all, the worlde muste be peopled!

Thanke ye for youre tyme, fayre ladyes and knyghtes all,

Sir Bors de Ganys.

P.S. - My cousyn Sir Launcelot ys a pansy! But donte tell hym I seyde so!

nimue, lancelot, alice, matilda, galahad, sir bors de ganys, armand, hermione, introduction, mordred, zeus, don quixote, gawain, bedivere, gareth, bianca

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