Ladies, gentlemen, and unclassifiable persons, these are trying times. What with deaths, births, diabolical possession, feuds, vendettas, elections, brawls, and other upheavals, we are all, I suspect, in need of a little pleasant diversion.
Therefore, I invite you all to post under this heading a painting or other work of art which you think worthy of sharing with us -- either your own, or someone else's, though probably not both at once. There is no need to be shy. In such a diverse gathering, there is almost certain to be at least one other individual who appreciates your tastes, however eccentric. Innuendo? Where?
I should like to put forward only two restrictions:
1. Pictures of your spouse, while admirable as a token of devotion, are not entirely to the point in this case.
2. Kindly do not stretch the page.
And with that, I suppose I had better begin:
(Cornelis de Man, "The Chess Players")