Bookstore Dialogues

Apr 01, 2005 21:52

Today, in a slight change of pace, my typist went out to the bookstore. Or, as it happens, several bookstores. In bookstore number one, she could not find the main object of her trip. In bookstore number two, the following conversation occured.

Random woman: Excuse me, could you show me where the books on cooking are?
Typist: *points* Around there, I think it was.
R.W.: ...*shock* Oh, you don't work here?
T: Nope.
R.W.: *runs off, embarassed*

Apparently, this is the second time this month that something like this has happened. It's useful to note that my typist is fifteen years old and looks younger.

At any rate, her mother chose to now realize that she has a discount card for bookstore number three, to which they promptly left. In bookstore number three, my unfortunate typist found the most incompetant bookstore employee she has ever met.

T: Hi, where are the test prep books?
Employee: *talking to her friend* Huh? On, they're down that aisle, and to the right.
T: Thank you.
Test prep books: *are on the left*
T: Huh. *goes back to employee* I'm looking for Candide. Do you have it?
Emp: *talking to friend again* ...huh? What's that?
T: *speaking slowly* Candide. By Voltaire.
Emp: *blank* Candied?
T: C-A-N-D-I-D-E.
Emp: *checks in computer* We don't have that.
T: *blink* All right, what about... anything by Moliere?
Emp: Who?
T: ...nevermind.

Needless to say, she managed, with considerable difficulty, to find everything on her own. In addition to a 'test prep' book for her upcoming Advanced Placement European History test, she purchased a rather large stack of books by French authors.

The moral of the story? I think I'll leave that up to all of you.

basil, lily potter, zaphod, crowley, ron, ford prefect, benjamin janvier, remus

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