(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 22:32

My dearest community;

Well, you see now, Alona and I were discussing the fact that a tea party would be a very lovely way for us to all start talking to each other and break the chains of being intimidated by others (or, at least, that was the original intent.. have rather strayed from that by now), and the fact that Tea Parties are much too few and far inbetween now, so thus.

Every day you wake up with the sun shining through your window and pouring on to your bed, every moment you pause between breaths to think about what you actually are doing, every single time you wish to part your lips and lay about a versing beyond anyone's dreams upon someone, ..there is a Tea Party going on. An eternal, never-ending, Tea Party. We shall, obviously, have tea, crumpets, pretty ladies in dresses, and lovely wicker furniture for you to set yourselves upon, because this, of course, is not a metaphorical Tea Party with any sort of innuendo in it, not at all. --Nevertheless!

On with the tea, the merrymaking, and the talking in a More Than Polite manner in order to.. well, have tea! Lovely idea, we know.

Most lovingly & without any authority here whatsoever,
Ll. ♥


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