(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 19:48

Typist: Forgive the prose-style. I couldn't do it any other way. >.>

The minute Lucifer arrived at the community, there was no more use for Dagon's 'voice' to contact the other demons. Thus, he'd been relegated to the background for a few weeks, doing menial office work. However, he's back (after a bit of brown-nosing, of course) and he's actually physically present this time.

Physically meaning: A short, skinny, and surprisingly pale demon. If demons actually wore glasses ... he would.

Dagon stands nervously at the front of the room, shifting around the file folders that he needs for the meeting. Once all the other demons gather, he begins to speak, and his voice is absolutely nothing like Jeremy Irons' it sounded before, over the radio and TV. Instead, it is fairly weak and nasally. Oh, the wonders that Hell's PA system does for your voice...

"Er. Thank you for coming here today..." It sounds more like an eulogy for a funeral than an introduction for a gathering of demons. "Our Lord Lucifer, all Hail Satan, has um, decided that each of us will be assigned a particular mortal to er, tempt. After you have ... er, completed your task, you may come back for another mortal, since I have plenty of files here." He indicates the stack of folders. "Some mortals may be ... a bit more, er, difficult to tempt, while others may be a cinch. Others may have specifications to ... their tempting. Er. If you'll just step forward ... Then I can give you your er, assignment."

He gestures to the first demon.

Typist: Respond however you like -- prose optional. I only used it because I had to. If your character gets chosen for tempting, then please make them more available; journal entries and the like. The tempting can be as slow or as quick as the demon chooses, reporting back to either Dagon or Lucifer when the task is completed. :D

hastur, balthazar, beelzebub, adam young, dagon, mephistopheles, crowley

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