(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 12:25

Hello. I'm not quite sure what to make of this place, but I may as well introduce myself, even if I know everyone will just make fun of me behind my back. They always do, you know.

My name is Myrtle. I was a student at Hogwarts, which I believe you've all heard of by now. But then I died. It was really a dreadful thing, getting killed just because you want to see why there's a boy in the girls' toilet. I decided not to.. go on, because I wanted to haunt Olive Hornby- Oh, she was absolutely awful to me when I was alive. So I did, and it was great fun, but then the Ministry made me stop, so I had to go back to my toilet, which was really quite dull.

I hear that everyone calls me Moaning Myrtle when they think I'm not around. Awful people, really. Can you blame me for being upset, on account of the fact that I'm dead, and a ghost, and have to stay in a toilet all day? I can't even get back at all the nasty girls who teased me at school, because they've all grown up and left Hogwarts by now. It's not easy to be me, you know! (Even if some of the current students at Hogwarts are... well... not entirely all that bad. Hello, Harry!!!)

luna, jekyll, rosencrantz, johnny cade, stephen maturin, theodore nott, yamamura sadako, introduction, grantaire, remus, millicent bulstrode, raoul de chagny, harry, peter pettigrew, enjolras, snape, ron, moaning myrtle, elizabeth bennet

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