(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 19:15

*A pale and delicate-looking young man rushes into the room, clearly in a hurry*

Oh-- my friends! *he smiles in greeting, despite his agitation* Has anyone seen my dear Cunégonde? or a man by the name of Cacambo? They were meant to meet me in Venice, but I fear that trouble has befallen them. I-- I will offer a reward to anyone who can tell me their whereabouts! See? *he holds out a handful of perfectly shaped diamonds* Please. *earnestly* It's quite important; because, you see, I love her.

*he pauses* Alas, in my rush, I have forgotten my manners! My name is Candide. ... Perhaps, you have heard of the Thunder-Ten-Tronckh estate; that is where I was raised. My secretary tells me that you are more likely to recognize me through a book that a man named Voltaire wrote. Have-- have I truly been written about? Although, now that I pause to think, I suppose that stranger things have happened.

*he thinks about Cunégonde again, and tears up, but then takes a deep, shaking breath* Pangloss always told me that every cause has an effect, and that events always happen for the best. *another pause, and a choked sob* But ah, my darling Cunégonde, when will I ever see your beautiful face again?

T/N: I'm playing Candide in his Venice period. 'Tis more fun that way. :)

jean prouvaire, pangloss, introduction, candide

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