(no subject)

Jul 30, 2005 22:18

hey retardz!

mi names mike teavee, but u can jus call me mike. i wuz lookin around and i found this site, so i thought itd be kool 2 join in, cuz it lookd lik there wer sum gangsters here an i relly like gangsters. but tehn i kept lookin an found out theres a bunch of weirdos here, u no who u r, thinkin ur vampirs an elfs an stuff, i no u dont relly exist cuz if u did id hear about it on tv. i really like watchin tv an playin video gamez an stuff lik that an im really good at math an science an logical stuf i bet u retardz cant do litle things like findin out whihc candi bar had teh goldn ticket undr it or sumthin like taht. also i saw that mr wonka wuz here, i hope he doesnt see me here cuz i dont relly want 2 talk 2 him after the hol candi factry thing.

Typist: I'm never letting him type again. Mike Teavee, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I managed to find one copy in the entire public library today. Glee is mine!

alice, feanor, peter pan, mike teavee, psmith, veruca, joly, aornis, adrian singleton, fiyero, introduction, ludo, maglor, sarah, mordred, susan delgado, lord henry, edgar, drosselmeyer, courfeyrac, phileas fogg, yavanna, jareth, willy wonka

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