
Mar 30, 2005 20:19

Bon soir, mes chères. My name is Musichetta, and it seems to me that, well, everyone else is here, so I may as well be, too.

My typist tells me I'm probably not important enough to be here, but I beg to differ. — Though if the lovely mods agree, I guess I will have to go. I hope not, though, as it looks like there's quite a party going on. I mean, for God's sake, Enjolras and Grantaire finally saw the light. It's too amusing here!

I'm from Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, like — half this community. I think I'm best known for plaguing Joly and being his and his best friend's girlfriend. Speaking of which, I've got to tend to him because he's completely faking illness again and is occasionally delusional concerning his health sick, poor baby.

alanna, nemo, jean prouvaire, jekyll, archie kennedy, johnny cade, bossuet, stephen maturin, darcy, introduction, grantaire, musichetta, combeferre, millicent bulstrode, enjolras, cosette, courfeyrac, feuilly, marius

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