The internet.
I have finally found it.
It's so...
I don't know how to describe it
Anyway, my name is Zacharias Smith, Hogwarts student, Hufflepuff, Quidditch Player [Chaser], and what else do you need to know? Oh yes, and if anyone deserves the Quidditch Cup in the next year--it's Hufflepuff--got it?
I will leave you now.
[Typist note: As I
Read more... )
*pauses and notices the bit about Hufflepuff deserving the cup*
I'm sure you must be joking. If any house deserves the Cup, it's Ravenclaw. Total fact.
EXCUSE ME? BRAT FACE? You are such a git!
Death wish? I'll save it for when I'm on my deathbed, thanks. And Cedric? Still a great Quidditch player, thankyouverymuch.
Why? Live your life like you're going to die tomorrow--so technically, you're on deathbed right now....!
Cedric's greatness will forever be a monument of hope in every Hufflepuff's heart. The guy's just so worshippable.
*raises eyebrow* ...Right. If you love and adore him so much, why don't you marry him? Honestly. *rolls eyes*
I would...I mean--what the hell?! Is it a crime to admire a guy for his awesome Quidditch skills? I mean...just look at the way he plays...
Enough with the crude comments, little boy. If you're so jealous of how we've been playing, then you might want to ask Dumbledore to switch houses. That way, you'll actually have a CHANCE of winning the cup.
No. Just...NO. He's very much taken. *waves it off* And I never questioned his talent, he's had it all along.
Hey! Watch who you're calling little boy! Just because you dated Potter doesn't give you insulting rights!
You wait, Chang--Hufflepuff will triumph!
-snort- Taken? Is that just in your fantasies?
Dating Harry has -nothing- to do with this.
And, unfortunately for you, it's not a fantasy -- it's very much real. *takes Cedric and snogs him*
Yes it does! -try to be stubborn and difficult-
Agh! Watch the PDA, Chang--think of the innocent eyes around Hogwarts...and the emotional scarring they must be suffering through right now...-shudders-
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