It seems in some sort of unreal dreamy world that these days there is not enough worthwhile thinking in this place and only thinking of strategizing of how to kill the next person or strategizing of how to get the next bottle of wine-- wine is so overrated as it makes your mind muddle from any sort of proper thoughts-- back to these proper thoughts that we should all be thinking or have thought by us to govern our very principles I have proposed whilst I have about just enough time to set down a tea-cup with blue stripes running across the edge and a bit of a small chip in the side though I despise tea-cups with chips in the sides because how exactly are you supposed to drink with the possibility of cutting your lips off and having them fly into your neighbour's cup of tea or stick to the lump of sugar and it would be so awkward to see your lips moving somewhere not on your face though these lips can move right now with proper conversations such as the ones that I went all the way to the garden to find when this queer creature came up to me and handed me a strip of yellowing paper that said, "Hallo! Please read these words quietly to yourself and reflect upon their deeper meaning and then discuss that meaning with the world to spread the light! Thank you!", and now I am wondering verily so just how you all might feel about these words so I shall reflect publicly on three a day for five days in order to bring insight from everyone together and make it all into a collaborative book even though books are sometimes much too expensive for my tastes and my tastes are generally for tea which is perfect.
So, our first topic seems to be asparagus which is a nicely-coloured green vegetable though I do not particularly care for green vegetables at all which is not really actually saying that much seems as I do not adore vegetables at all but as of late I have heard that grilling this such as is said and whatnot asparagus is quite nice and dandy when grilled over a grill even if that grill had previously grilled a queer chicken from Germany it is still all good or so an old friend has told me. However, this old friend likes to occasionally speak to me in iambic pentameter and who in God's name would want to listen to that, must it be so difficult for them to simply get to the finely-sharpened point of it all? Never-the-less, asparagus is a passable vegetable as much as vegetables can pass although if I had a sister I would never want any asparagus making a pass at her, such as
this asparagus if you are stupid and do not know what asparagus looks like.
Next we move on to our friendly although I do not understand how such a thing can be friendly with humans and elves and literal cockroaches-- foul! foul! screams the witch next door who likes to smash my hat down with that gigantic fist of her empoweringly ugly hand-- but this friendly nectarine is what we are speaking of though right here and right now at this present time although time is just an illusion and did I not just go over you all with this one month a go when it was still tea-time? this nectarine is plump, juicy, slightly sour, and a fruit that would make you lick your fingers slowly in appreciation no matter for cares at all of how such an action would look to your superiors or your inferiors because we are all the same when you get down to the root of the lack of tea in this country. Said nectarines can be quite helpful for flavouring teas although I prefer my tea without nectarine because the blatantly obvious mixing of fruits and tea is a queer practice indeed and practice does not make perfect in this case despite how delicious
this nectarine appears to be although appearances can be deceiving did you know that, because I once met a man from Uzbekistan who was full of lies a trout came after him and ripped off a good (or was it rather bad?) 87.2% of his trousers covering inappropriate places that would hurt like a police officer if they were to have tea spilled on them and oh dear this is going no where so just remember to eat your nectarines my children although I do not have any children and would sit on them if they misbehaved if I did if they were to exist which they would not.
At the bottom of every bottle of ketchup although ketchup is just mashed tomatoes and disgusting additives smashed into the bottom of a non-recycled plastic bottle at the bottom of this bottle there is a lot of smut this smut which is called the water in there that comes out when you go to pour laden that ketchup mixtures of disturbing-foods on to whatever food you are having though cream-cakes seem to be a most delightful enough food to take with one's tea or two's tea or three's tea or so on, yet however this smut is also sometimes called something known as homosexual pornography which I did not until recently care to know the meaning of because I talk to children and animals most of the time and Lord knows that such creatures do not need to hear about anything related to this red ketchup-smut activity or object (or is it a pronoun?). This regular sort of homosexual pornography though, in retrospect, can be summed up though I prefer multiplication and other mathematical functions like square roots as well though adding and summing of this all comes down to how very, very, very extremely exponentially and back-breakingly though I do not want my back to break or my spin shall never bend and curve correctly again back-breakingly queer. Queer is a word with a double-meaning did you all know? I find this all very fascinating but yet just a sliver-- slivers which I hate because they are so painful and inhibit a man from stroking his soon to be pet nightingale or blackbird or raven or anything of a breathing structure to replicate that-- sliver of a fraction of a decimal less interesting that other things though right now I am too un-caffeinated that I need a-nother cup of caffeine to make my day perk up even though it is always the same day over and over, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, so I cannot find a photograph of homosexual pornography I am afraid to disappoint you all though I am sure someone of a more adapted nature could find one of such?
Thus concludes though it never was much of a conclusion because it never was much of a formerly structured essay if it even was an essay which I am highly doubting that it was at all, but therefore thus concludes today's three topics of the choice of that garden-dwelling creature which I should most like to meet again because of the fact or perhaps it was an opinion though I am doubting it because opinions are opinions and facts are indisputable and this indisputable fact was that it was such a nice and pleasant talk with that creature and reflecting upon all those fifteen words and especially these three chronicled thoughts of today have most certainly shed a new light upon it all, although I do not particularly think that light was needed with such sunny conditions like these which are sunny enough to make one sweat under all these clothes but without clothes then were would we all be?-- Also who in this place could could on and on in French as my French is a bit rusty and I need to count in that particular language because a vast majority of things understand French or the Queen's English and my favourite language happens to be Polish.
Goodbye for instance becomes adieu or au revoir how simply fascinating it all is, is it not?