Hello all

Jun 09, 2005 14:03

I am Elladan, son of Elrond and Celebrian, brother to Elrohir and Arwen. And Varda said that I absolutly need to come here.
Besides that I am also a great Orc hunter, and on my way to become the best chef in all of Arda

You may have read my famous infamous writing on the high art of orc cooking
If not, you have the chance to do so now:

The delicate Orc
By Elladan of Imladris

Eating Orc?

Not many Elves (or Men, Hobbits, and maybe even Dwarfs) are used to eat Orc flesh, but if given a try, you will experience a new joy for your palate!
Contrary to common assumption orcs are not generally poisoned. If you stay clear of some of their organs, you have meat like almost any other.

How to get your orc?

Orc has to be fresh if you want them on your table.
But don't forget, that they are dangerous to hunt, and that only skilled warriors should do so.

The basics of cooking orc

Behead your orc.
Scrub the flesh clean of dirt and slime
Take out his innards.
Season him with lots of slat and your favourite herbs, and let it settle in for an hour.
Choose one of the recipes in this book for further reference

The Poisen

The brain, the bowels, the liver and the heart are poisoned; do not prepare it for dinner!

If any of the recipes state orc blood, be aware that is has to be diluted with water and miruvor (or wine) in a 1: 0.5: 1:5 ratio

earendil, manwe, psmith, elrohir, armand, hermione, elladan, introduction, maglor

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