(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 08:58

Hello! Captain Jack Aubrey, pleased to meet you all. I'm told that there's a series of books about me and my particular friend Doctor Stephen Maturin, written by a gentleman named Patrick O'Brian. It's twenty one volumes long, which seems excessive, particularly since they seem to be hefty volumes (rather like myself, ha!) and I'd say I didn't think that anyone would actually read all that, but people will read anything, I've learned, and I suppose the exciting bits make up for the rest. Though I'll admit I'm not sure how you manage to write twenty two volumes on one subject without boring yourself to death.

The little portrait isn't one of my ships. There wasn't so much as a sketch of any of them to be found, more's the pity, but she's a pretty thing all the same. Full ship rigged, and handling herself quite well, from the look of it. Though it's always hard to tell from a painting, as so few artists are also seamen, at least when it's oils they're using. Not like poets. You meet a lot of poets in an officer's mess. And musicians! I scrape the fiddle a bit, and I am always ready to listen to a more accomplished player. Might there be any about?

I am assured that Doctor Maturin is here already - my newly acquired secretary says that she would hardly try this if he wasn't, I'm certain I don't know what she means. So, Stephen! Pray come and talk to me, I have found a most interesting piece by Vivaldi I would like to show you. It's scored for violin, but I'm sure we could improvise around it.

alice, jack aubrey, lily potter, esmeralda, archie kennedy, cosette, horatio hornblower, stephen maturin, armand, feuilly, introduction, grantaire

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