All right, you lot. As the mod for
df_loggage, it is my duty to make the active!history of DF chat simple and convenient for all to browse and enjoy. This way the newbies can skim anything important in an organised fashion without having to hunt it down and oldbies can properly review the past and sigh and babble about those Good Old Days. This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm obssessive compulsive or anal retentive or anything silly like that, mind you. Of course not.
So! My mission for you is this! If you have ever posted a log in any of your puppets' journals, hunt it down and give me a link. You can either leave them as a comment here or e-mail the links to inwhiteleather[at]gmail[dot]com.
I'll do all of the organisational work. No worries about that. It would just make my life easier if I didn't have to go through over a month's worth of personal puppet journals.
Thanks all! Much love! Tata!
- Heathbar