(no subject)

May 31, 2005 22:31

Hello to all! I am A.J. Raffles, general gentlemanly layabout. I play a bit of cricket (quite good cricket, even if I do say so myself) and can be seen here and there through London. Rather the normal sort of thing, really. Alas! Even after I went to Australia I haven’t any grand adventures to relate. Shame, I suppose, but what can you do?

This place looked like a nice bit of fun, so here I am, and here, no doubt, my friend Bunny will soon be too. Hallo, Bunny, when you make it! And do hurry - it’s amazing how dreadfully dull the most interesting place can be without you.

But you all mustn’t think I’m averse to new and different company. I enjoy new and different company very much. *charming smile* I should very much enjoy meeting new people.

For a bit of information as to what sort of person I am… I love riding, cricket, dancing, good food, good books, the Pre-Raphaelites, and have a passing interest in the fine art of disguise. Got in the habit of competing with the other lads at school, you know, and fancy dress balls turn up often enough for me to keep my hand in. I’m not saying I’m any good at it, but I do like it, and it suits the purpose of delighting young women with my cleverness, so who am I to complain? *wink*

At any rate, come and say hello. I swear I don’t bite unless severely provoked. *grins*

Typist: Raffles is from the Raffles stories, written by E. W. Hornung, and narrated by Bunny.

raffles, alice, mark vorkosigan, introduction, bel thorne

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