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pairofsocks May 22 2005, 07:28:35 UTC
Hello! I've only been here for a short while myself, but welcome!


f_prewett_ May 22 2005, 07:35:06 UTC
Hello, there! *grins* And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?


pairofsocks May 22 2005, 13:59:42 UTC
Oh, I thought perhaps you'd read my introduction. Sgt Perks. *offers a handshake* Pleased to meet you.


f_prewett_ May 22 2005, 16:49:33 UTC
*shakes his hand warmly* A pleasure to meet you, as well.

Oh, my apologies. My typist is a flighty girl, much like myself, so she hasn't gotten around to reading the latest introductions. *sheepish smile* Looks like you caught an Auror off his guard.


pairofsocks May 22 2005, 17:32:30 UTC
Common enough. My typist is much the same, really - I shouldn't have assumed!

So what's that like, Auroring? I understand it's a kind of police work.


f_prewett_ May 22 2005, 18:19:33 UTC
From what I've heard, it is a bit like Muggle police work, yes.

First of all, the training is relatively harsh -- only the best are allowed in, after all. It's day after day of grueling coursework and practical training. Plus you have ol' Mad-Eye breathing down your collar and barking out orders to you every time you move a hair in the wrong direction. *rolls eyes* I have a feeling that it's his behavior that causes 'constant vigilance' in the Aurors, not the training itself. *laughs*

Once you've finished the training, though, the Auror job itself isn't too horrible. It's rather exciting and adventurous, which I always look for in an occupation, and I'd like to think of it as a type of ... constant pranking. I mean -- you have the Death Eaters, and you have to plan and execute an operation that'll result in their demise. It takes me back to the old days of pulling pranks at Hogwarts. Unfortunately ... the plans sometimes backfire, of course. *small frown*

Anyways, enough of my rambling. What do you do for a living?


pairofsocks May 22 2005, 19:23:06 UTC
*chuckle* More like the army then. Not that I know much about policework, either. Listen to your sergeant, though! There's generally a reason for all the shouting, even if it's hard to understand sometimes. It's the ones who look down on you, or treat you like idiots, that you're better off ignoring. Cowardly weasels.

Yes, well! I'm an active army sergeant. I do a bit more than just follow orders, though. *smile* I anticipate them, for one. My country's had only a few months of peace in the last few centuries, so I keep busy. I'm trying to change that, though, and I have some aces up my sleeve. Well!

Your work sounds interesting, and I'd ask more, but I doubt the tricks you... play are applicable to my situation.


f_prewett_ May 23 2005, 03:49:44 UTC
I know, I know. *rueful grin* Moody's not too bad, in that even though he's rather relentless, he's also fair to all of the trainees. Hopefully he'll show up here soon - he's quite the interesting bloke.

You know, it actually sounds like we have fairly similar jobs. It's practically the same thing with my ... well, not country. It's more like a secret community of sorts. We haven't had much peace, but hopefully that'll change in the times to come. And I'm sorry to say, but unfortunately, my techniques will most likely not apply to you. Unless you're a wizard in disguise, or something like that. *grin*


pairofsocks May 23 2005, 14:02:30 UTC
Ah, no. Not a lot of wizards in Borogravia. Wizardry was an abomination unto Nuggan, and the people haven't quite got all the abominations out of their system yet. I've seen some Omnian preachers moving in around the capital, though. I'm not sure how they feel about magic, but Shufti writes to say that Nana Smolyev back in Munz has been more open about her herblore and home-bred cures, so... times are changing.

Oh, but we do have some undead - sorry, differently alive - men and women in the army. I think it's a great improvement. Maybe there would be some benefit from hearing your techniques, after all? If you feel like sharing...


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