May 20, 2005 05:14
I am, indeed, Corporal Maladicta. But I prefer Maladict. Or Mal. *grins, displaying little fangs* Yes, I'm a vampire. A black ribboner, and it's been three years since I "fell off the wagon". Though I did come fairly close when deprived of coffee last year.
Let me see... The trouble with introductions is that they're so dependent on what you want people to know, what they need to know, and where you are. Horrid pain, frankly. I mostly don't bother. But I suppose in a place like this one has to say something. Rather different from a real party, where you can just turn up and let people make inquiries.
I'm Sgt. Perks's corporal. She has plans, and I help her carry them through. There we go. There's an introduction.
*smile* Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Oh, yes. I apparently make an appearance in a novel called Monstrous Regiment, by Terry Pratchett.
polly perks,
acheron hades,
stephen maturin,
sam vimes,
nobby nobbs,