Okay, Peter!

May 19, 2005 09:24

I've got my game now! And it's loads better'n yours, just you see!

[typist] For those of you that can't remember, Peter Pan and Adam are having a bit of a contest about who can come up with the best game. God help us. [/typist]

Oh, hush typist. A'course they remember! Now let me tell it.

'kay. My game is called Discovering Atlantis and it goes like this (Peter's game didn't even have a name. Hmph.). Everyone has to go on a big adventure to find Atlantis. An' I guess it could be a real adventure if you really wanted to, but then I'd find it, of course, and that wouldn't be very fair and a lot less fun. So it's a lot better if it's a pretend adventure, 'specially 'cause, if you find it, then you gotta prove to everyone that it's a good Atlantis. So, say I find someplace that should be Atlantis, I gotta explain to everyone why it should be and why it's the best Atlantis! An' then once you have your Atlantis, everyone breaks into one team of Atlantisians, an' the person who found Atlantis would get to be in charge of them, and the people trying to get Atlantis. They can be a team of whatever they want to be - pirates, or cowboys, or mad scientists, or the Empire guys (but then they can't use the Death Star 'cause then they'd blow up everything, so don't even try it!). And then the two teams fight over Atlantis 'cept they can't actually hurt anyone 'cause that wouldn't be fair, so it's all gotta be pretend. But then you also gotta follow the right rules of pretend so if someone gets you, you can't come back to life! *pauses* An' because it's Atlantis, everyone's gotta act like they're under water!

[typist] I really don't know what this kid's thing about Atlantis is. I think he's still bitter about it disappearing again or something. Sigh. [/typist]

Hey! I wasn't don't yet! *glares at typist* Anyway, once one team wins, they get to be in charge of things, an' the other team has to do whatever they say for the rest of the afternoon! That's the prize!

The end!

the artful dodger, wensleydale, pippi longstocking, adam young, peter pan, alfred

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