(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 05:00

I was avoiding the Dream Lord, but it seems he was avoiding me as well. An amusing coincidence.

Forgive me for disappearing. It seems there's been some excitement I just might have nipped in the bud.

I am more powerful than Lord Vol-de-mort could ever hope to be.

And I'll be right next door, drinking my soy milk, should you need me.


ETA OOC: I saw Tom Riddle and now my Voldemort dude is loud. So much for blissful insomnia. From what I'm reading he seems closer to Lord Thingy than Tom, but in name he's.... well, can I still play the oh-my-god-Christian-Coulson-turned-into-Michael-Jackson-so-don't-you-be-evil-kids Lord Voldemort of current canon?

thessaly, dream, tony castaway

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