
Sep 09, 2009 22:41

  They are all there - her husband, his father, her children, and the other Enchanters. Azhure opens her mouth to speak, and then...  The song is like nothing she's ever heard. Her father, WolfStar, that madman. He has done this, somehow, ripped her from her very reality and put her quite somewhere else. She can remember the cold of winter that ( Read more... )

caranthir, faraday, lucivar, puck, armand, firekeeper, introduction, anita blake

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elven_irs September 10 2009, 04:46:12 UTC
Here is a resident grumpy badass, angry-elf extraodinaire. He's however in a better mood than he's been in the past weeks, since his dead little brother returned from, well, the dead.

Caranthir the Dark, Son of Feanor, accomplished Kinslayer, not particularly a fuzzy fellow, is currently bringing back half a dozen hares he snared in the forest.

He'll be staring a lot, frowning slightly, and trying to decide if he should had on home to the girlfriend... or investigate the strange creature ahead.

The girlfriend, by the way? Oh, you know her, Azhure. Take a guess. Oh yes. The one and only.


ohazhuremylove September 11 2009, 03:50:23 UTC
Azhure is stopped for the moment, suddenly distracted by the promise of a pear from a rather glorious tree. She stands with her hands clasped behind her back and wings perked but still closed, wondering if she will be reprimanded for filching just one tiny, golden pear.

She turns as Caranthir emerges from the wood, quickly trying to determine if he is friend or foe.


elven_irs September 11 2009, 04:29:15 UTC
He's fairly tall, even if he's small compared to his seven-foot tall brothers, and probably towers slightly over Azhure. Certainly, he can see the wings, and he's not sure if she's wearing a feathery cape (?) or wings like that prick Lucivar, or... yeah. This is just odd.

And he's usually courteous to women, and this one's pretty, but he's also learned the hard way not to trust just any pretty face, so here he is, gauging her as well.

"... Good day," he offers, finally, carefully. He probably looks fairly the hunter, with the game and the large hunting knife at his belt. His pointy ears aren't all visible under his dark hair, we don't think. He's sporting an eye-patch and an impressive scar on his face, though he might have been handsome, before that happens, and perhaps still is, depending on the beholder's eye.


ohazhuremylove September 11 2009, 04:41:42 UTC
Azhure smiles to him after a moment, deciding that if he was going to axe murder her, he wouldn't have greeted her firstly. She moves her hands from behind her back, holding them by her sides, so that he doesn't think she's got some sort of weapon stashed.

"Hello," she replies, her blue eyes trained on him. My, but he was much more cautious than some of the others. "You don't suppose anyone would get mad if I took one of these, do you?" she asks him, looking back up at the tree. "I'm not keen on being known as a fruit thief," she adds.


elven_irs September 11 2009, 05:13:43 UTC
Well yes. Getting stabbed in the stomach by your ex-girlfriend (not Faraday) will do that to you, most likely. He's just wary around sweet-talking beauties, now.

Caranthir rarely smiles, so it's nothing personal if he's slightly gruff in the way he speaks. "No-one's claimed those lands," he grunts. "Feel free to have them." He shrugs. "Not like this is fucking Thargelion, anyway."


ohazhuremylove September 11 2009, 05:20:05 UTC
Azhure has no idea what a Thargelion was, but she surmounts it was a place, perhaps where he was from? At any rate, she picks one pear, and then two, holding one out to him.

"If you like it," she offers. If not, well, she'll save it for later, or perhaps feed it to a squirrel or something - although judging by the amount of game he's caught there might be a squirrel shortage soon enough. Hare today, rodent tomorrow?

"I'm new here - obviously," she says with a roll of her eyes. "Have you been here long?"


elven_irs September 11 2009, 06:06:58 UTC
His former estate in Beleriand, actually - also the place where he invented income tax, much to his typist's amusement, and the annoyance of the Dwarven community.

"No, thank you," he replies, stiffly for the offer of the pear. Mostly, he's not feeling like sweet things, right now. Hare is in season, which is why he's hunting them. The elves have been living off the Mansion ground's game for a bit, and know how to avoid depleting resources probably better than any human around. After all, they've all been making due without the plothole for a long time, now, and didn't even notice the reappearance of a magic cupboard for a long while.

"Long enough." He almost considers going past, but his latent sense of duty (he has that in vast quantities) brings him to add, gruffly, "It's this way. Shouldn't stay in the woods. It's not safe."


ohazhuremylove September 11 2009, 15:00:20 UTC
Azhure nods in his response to the offered pear and decides she's going to hold onto it for a while. It's not a giant thing, at least, won't be annoying to carry around. She glances at him curiously when he informs her that the woods aren't safe.

"Why not?" she asks. She's not trying to be contrary, but if there's a Big Evil lurking in the woods, she wants to know about it.

(OOC: He invented income taxes? LOL)


elven_irs September 12 2009, 00:38:30 UTC
"Damn furballs. I'm sure they'd want to sink their teeths in any sort of pheasant they'd come across, including you, Lady."

He shifts, a little. "Get moving. It'll be dark soon, and I'm not going to be caught unawares. So if you want an escort back, scurry along."

Patience is not his strong point, did we mention it yet?

Caranthir controlled the Dwarven traffic through his realms and thus gained great wealth. He was haughty in dealing with the Naugrim and thus there was little warmth between the Noldor and the Dwarves. So... basically, yeah. Or levies, to be more precise. XDDD


ohazhuremylove September 12 2009, 02:18:03 UTC
Azhure just stares at him as he speaks. He was really interested in leaving the woods behind them, and so Azhure, with a small roll of her shoulders, agrees to his suggestion, nodding silently to his spoken word.

She walks in silence next to him for a while, but becomes curious again. "Which furballs? I met a boy earlier with a wolf, and it was very well-trained. And, another at a separate time, actually. It's not those two you speak of, is it?"

Azhure still has yet to tell him her name, which may be a Good Thing considering his current sweetie.


elven_irs September 12 2009, 02:59:04 UTC
Feanorians, as evidenced by his brother Curufin, don't do well with manners, though at least this one has a code of honor that's more acceptable. He'll walk, quickly, long strides of his tall legs, and will look behind him cautiously, on a regular basis.

"No. There's furballs, and then there's the Dark Lord's wolves. We haven't seen them in a long time, but they did attack my brothers, so I take this seriously."

Another few moody strides, and he adds, "And before you ask, I'm Caranthir Moryofinwe, also known as Caranthir the Dark, a Son of Feanor, a bastard, basically, so don't go expecting me to be a noble hero of any sort."


ohazhuremylove September 12 2009, 03:35:51 UTC
Azhure wasn't planning to ask his name, actually, more or less because he didn't seem like he would willingly give it to her. But here it is, with a title and everything - not that it means much to her. She assumes that he is someone Important, but it seems a lot of people she meets have titles. Perhaps this place pulls them in for a reason - or perhaps not. There is no pattern to Chaos, and it is best not to look, she decides.

"I'm Azhure SunSoar, Icarii Enchanter," she replies. "Not that it translates into anything here. I haven't even tried my magic; I don't know if it still works. I'm afraid to use it and find out it doesn't, though I can heal, and that does come in handy," she muses, more to herself than anything. Healers are always good to have on hand.

"Who is the Dark Lord?"


elven_irs September 12 2009, 05:32:25 UTC
He was actually trying to tell her not to trust him, not to expect anything good of him, and he wasn't quite going for any sort of impressive title divulgation. (If he had, he might have said, 'Carnistir Moryofinwe, Lord of Thargelion, Prince of the House of Finwe', and it would have been true, but he's the first to know that titles means nothing here.)

Now she sounds like Galadriel. Eeek. "Morgoth," he says, slowly. "A rebel Vala who stole my father's work, killed my grandfather, assassinated many of my relatives. He hates my family with a passion, but he likely hates the rest of the world too. Stay away from us. Best way to stay safe."


ohazhuremylove September 12 2009, 05:44:05 UTC
The effort wasn't lost entirely; Azhure takes a warning when she sees one, and she certainly wouldn't be begging for him to save her should aforementioned furballs decide to attack.

"Stay away from us? The two of you, or all of your kind?" she asks, trying to clarify what he's telling her. My, Azhure has got an unbalanced list of friends thus far.


elven_irs September 12 2009, 06:39:44 UTC
The worst part is that he's being a friend by telling her not to be his friend, as confusing as that may be.

"Actually, I mean, literally, don't bunk in the corridor where the Elves stay." He moves his hair out of the way to show his pointy ears. "Here. Like that, we're Eldarin. First born. Immortal, smarter and faster than humans, prettier (well, the others, not me), all that. And no, we do not make presents for a jolly old man in a red suit once a year. We're big, bad, mean, and we kill people for stupid reasons. Like shiny things. In short, we don't sparkle."

He's usually not this eloquent, but he's been locked up with a mute brother for a couple weeks. Clearly, he needed to talk. It's unfortunate that he also sounds insane in the process.


ohazhuremylove September 12 2009, 06:55:15 UTC
Azhure just stared at him as he spoke, a little dumbfounded and not terribly ashamed of it. "You're dumping a lot of information on me and expecting me to absorb it in a very rapid amount of time, friend - er, not-friend. Give me a moment," she says, holding up a finger to quite literally process what he's said ( ... )


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