They are all there - her husband, his father, her children, and the other Enchanters. Azhure opens her mouth to speak, and then... The song is like nothing she's ever heard. Her father, WolfStar, that madman. He has done this, somehow, ripped her from her very reality and put her quite somewhere else. She can remember the cold of winter that
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This particular one is more of the 'batlike' variety, though, and has an expression of seriously dubious wariness from where he just landed, probably ten feet away and poised warily, posture the expert grace of a fighter. And a good one.
Don't take offense, Azhure, Lucivar looks like that at everyone.
His narrowed golden eyes might ask the question, but Lucivar has never liked beating around the bush and subtlety and silly things like that. "Who are you," and it's not really that much of a question.
(Also, welcome, but he'll get to that later. Much later.)
"I'm Azhure," she replied, raising her chin. She ignored strands of black hair as they tickled her jaw, having loosened themselves from the already-loose braid she'd plaited her hair into. She didn't want to appear scared, and fidgeting would do just that. She took a moment to observe his wings, and how - they were like nothing she'd ever seen before. They were leathery, from what she could tell, not like any sort of Icarii being.
This was a strange place, indeed.
"Can you tell me where I am?" she asked, trying to brighten her question with a forced smile. She didn't like being sized up.
He doesn't return the smile. "The Mansion," briefly, "From where?"
"From where?" she repeated. Was he asking her that? He phrased it so strangely. "From somewhere not here," she said, her tone low and almost to herself. She didn't know what else to say, so nothing was said. Azhure wasn't going to fill empty space with things that meant nothing, and this man seemed keen on giving her as little information as possible.
A brief pause, and he makes a twitch that might have been a bow. "Lucivar Yaslana. Warlord Prince of Ebon Rih." And the arrogance to match. He'll warm up! Maybe.
She looks finally to the Mansion. "How long have you stayed here?" she asks, gesturing to it. It was a massive thing. It looked more like a Keep than a house, to her.
Best get this over with. "There's no way back. The way here is a one way door."
She can't help but look at his wings, and finally she speaks. "Can I ask - what are you? - without sounding rude?" she ventures. "I've never seen wings like yours before."
She's itching to fly. She wants to see what this place looks like from the sky, and it's driving her mad not to go take a peek, especially now.
"It's so strange, after the initial shock, it's almost like everything's faded. Like it was a dream," she muses. She glances back to Lucivar. "Is there no pattern to how people are chosen? Or do they randomly just... appear?"
"Does everyone stay at that Mansion?" she asks. She realizes how stupid it sounds, but the thing was huge.
"It was nice to meet you, Lord Yaslana. I'm positive I'll see you around - perhaps you could accompany me on a flight, sometime?" she suggests. Azhure's still not terribly keen about flying around by herself just yet.
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