hello i have no willpower [intro]

Jun 20, 2009 22:49

"--The door!"

Elia is screaming. She can hear them, they're nearly here, and she's never been so afraid for anything in her life as she is now. Clegane will hurt her, she knows, but she does not even want to think of what may happen to her children. He is a mountain, yes, but moreso, he is a monster ( Read more... )

puck, rice!pandora, introduction

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redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:04:51 UTC
On the much more relieving side, Oberyn is standing in the doorway, and expression of obvious shock on his face, because holycrap.

..."...Elia?" Disbelieving, a little; after all, the last person he thought was Elia wasn't, despite how much she acted like her at times.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:08:38 UTC
Elia's head perks up. She stops crying, a bit, and looks around-- "O- Oberyn?"

She begins the shaky progress of, well, scrambling towards her brother because oh god oh gods brother, please say it's him. It can only be a good thing.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:12:38 UTC
---that's all it takes, really, for Oberyn to cover the distance between them in two bounds and scoop her up, holding her as close as he possibly can and already taking her back toward the house. "It's me - Elia, gods, it's all right," It isn't, "It's me, I hoped..."


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:18:33 UTC
Elia just cries for a bit. She's shaking, sobbing, and just trying to catch her breath before the attempt to get some coherent words out is made.

When she thinks she can talk without making a tit of herself, they're already inside. "Oberyn." Looong sigh. Saying it without exclamation points of italics, good job, girl. "Where are- Oberyn, where are my-?" She can't quite bring herself to say it, where are my children, but she realizes that even though a bit of her mind already knows, she has to ask.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:41:37 UTC
Yay, coherent words! Oberyn is actually kind of wondering if she's going to be okay, because even if she's in one piece physically this isn't looking so much better. How about a couch? "--Elia, don't - not right now. Sit, let me get you some water..."

He hasn't let go of her yet, he realizes as he trails off. So the 'sitting' might be a little hard.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:45:31 UTC
Not right now means oh, good, we can repress that a bit, and Elia makes a few more steps towards calming the hell down. After a moment, she smacks her brother playfully, like they did when they were children.

"Oberyn, you might have to let me go, first."


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 03:48:24 UTC
He's half serious when he says, "I'm really considering not," but does set her down. "Water, I think," examining her for signs of - something. Shock, perhaps. He knows some about medicine but this is a little surreal just a bit?


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 03:57:05 UTC
Elia is still by no means calm or controlled. Her words are still a bit shaky, her posture is quite drawn in on itself, her gaze unfocused. It isn't shock, though; she was taken just before her life hit its epilogue. What she's experiencing now is extreme fear, anticipation of her own end, and worry for her children.

"I-I'd like that. Thank you." She goes back to the busy work of deep breathing, even breaths.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 04:12:53 UTC
Which creates a problem, a little, because now he's not sure whether to get water or stay keeping an eye on sister, because really is leaving her alone a good idea now? But he decides getting water is probably okay. If he hurries back.

Which he does, trying not to spill anything. "Here. Keep breathing. It's all right." Still isn't! But. Small lies.


queenofbeauty June 22 2009, 04:20:14 UTC
Her mouth twitches in a small tug of a smile to see the Red Viper of Dorne hurry to get water for his sister. She takes it gratefully, marveling at the taste because her typist must always go on about the fact that they're from a midieval society argh, and thanks him.

There are things she wants to ask him, also, like am I dead? and my children? (and uh also that guy I married), but she isn't sure if she should. Oberyn looks worried, somewhat upset, and she isn't sure if questions are for the best, right now.

Instead, she goes for the obvious. "Oberyn, what is this?" This place, this water, this house, pick one, Obey.


redviperofdorne June 22 2009, 17:58:08 UTC
Oberyn is not at all concerned about the whole running being serving boy for his sister; as far as he's concerned he should have a) never let her marry Rhaegar at all or b) whisked her back home at the first sign of trouble. So, you know.

Oberyn musters one of those smiles of his with just the slightest bit of effort, really. "A house, sweet sister, I'd think you'd have realized."


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 01:56:37 UTC
Elia would answer a) shut up it's not his fault and b) see point a (with a few amendments to personal pronouns, specifically 'his' to 'your'). Just so we're clear.

Elia sees the effort and tries to ignore it; she's going to need calm on both their parts to ask the questions she has to ask, even if she's sure of the answers. Because she has to know. Because it's her duty to at least ask.

"I did notice, dear brother, and am deeply wounded by your lack of faith in my abilities of observation." Said with something approaching a smile, or at least, a knowing look. She exhales. This is nice. Familiar and comforting.


redviperofdorne June 23 2009, 02:02:26 UTC
Yes it is, says Oberyn, it totally is, if you weren't his wife there would have been no problem. So there. But he doesn't say either of them and won't, either, because that would be silly.

Calm is very important. We can do calm. As is visible with the reluctance to move far away for the moment. That is his goal, though, to be familiar and comforting because even if he - hopes she doesn't remember? He can't count on it. "Perhaps I should be more specific in that observation, then - it is a mansion, quaintly known as 'The Mansion', as though it is under the delusion that it is the only one.


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 02:24:22 UTC
At least they are of like minds on the issue of Emotional Discussions, then.

"Tut tut, now; I'm sure its owners are very proud of it, to give it such a... curious name." And then a thought occurs to her. "Oberyn, my dear brother, who are the owners?" Said in a certain tone that reads, to those in the know, more as 'Oberyn who did you seduce this time?'.


redviperofdorne June 23 2009, 02:43:58 UTC
...Oberyn does not, on the other hand, have the grace to look embarrassed. Two people, so far, one male, one female, and he's really quite pleased with both of them. "I'm afraid I don't know; if any owners exist, I have managed to avoid them so far, and thus the awkward process of introductions." His smile is flawlessly charming and flawlessly Oberyn. "And they may well be proud of it. It's a very nice house."


queenofbeauty June 23 2009, 03:13:56 UTC
Something sits ill the prospect of squatting, with Elia, but all things considered, this is still her day looking up.

And, hey, let's keep on the comfortable side of conversation, here. She's still not quite calmed, her voice still has a warble to it at times, but this is doing a great deal to still her.

"Oh, yes, because you are ever so awkward with social graces, my poor Oberyn." Said sarcastically, but with more than a touch of love. "Tell me of it, then. I've just arrived, and am terribly confused."


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