this will all end in tears i know it

Jun 09, 2009 21:17

Jaime is furious, and his sister is an idiot, but all things considered, he'd rather have it this way than their roles reversed. Which is, as he feels the weight of his golden hand, the first time that's been the truth in a while. Best not to think on that, though. Moving onto more pressing matters--

"No," He answered the maester, "Put this in the fir-..."

The fire that wasn't there anymore? Or the snow that was no longer falling, the tent he was no longer in, the...

Oh, bugger.

KING OF BAD JUDGEMENT. This is Jaime Lannister, from A Song Of Ice And Fire, near the end of A Feast For Crows, spoilers ahoy! Also, obviously I'm new. *waves* Tell me if I've done/am doing anything wrong plskthnx.

richard carstone, celegorm, introduction, phedre, anita blake

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