Hmmm.... And here is Vittorio.

Mar 13, 2009 23:02

Despite the strangeness of the situation and the unfamiliarity of the mansion, Vittorio took a brief moment to study a painting. There was, he decided, always time for art.

As a vampire who had lived almost six centuries, Vittorio was not wary of his surroundings. In fact, he felt quite intrigued. With a sigh, he moved away from the painting and on ( Read more... )

rice!pandora, amadeo, introduction, phedre

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pandora_antioch March 14 2009, 03:42:49 UTC
Sitting in the library is a woman he does not know - a vampire. She looks up, from her nocturnal musings, barely a moment, and resumes her study. If he is close enough to see, he will notice that she is writing in a very strange script, that does not exist in human culture.

Her mind is an opaque thing, but her face is peaceful, almost girlish, despite the old age, betrayed by her marble-like limbs.


v_is_vittorio March 14 2009, 04:23:48 UTC
Vittorio became impossibly still when he sensed the presence of the ancient vampire, his eyes narrowing even more. A full minute passed before he finally willed himself to move further into the library, his step suddenly audible out of respect for the Elder vampire.

Slowly and cautiously he allowed himself to venture closer to the other immortal, then once she was in sight he became still again. Vittorio did not speak aloud but his fear and awe were obvious in his thoughts and in his expression, causing him to seem very child-like. He bravely stood by a bookshelf and studied the ancient one instead of darting away as most young vampires might, then he took a measured step closer.

"You are even more lovely than I had imagined."


pandora_antioch March 14 2009, 05:25:06 UTC
She looks up, slowly - sensing him to be of her kind, not one like Henry or Jody, and certainly less foolish than C. Thomas Flood. "And you had imagined me," she murmurs, softly, curiously. She has been a loner, a lonely soul for so long - though now no longer. "Who are you," she asks, voice quiet, steady, almost expressionless, but not quite, "who makes such claims, and yet whom I have never met?"

And when were you, when Akasha cleaned so many of us away, and when the survivors became a coterie, if not a brotherhood?


v_is_vittorio March 15 2009, 04:43:33 UTC
His gaze lowered slightly when Pandora turned her attention to him, as if he could not bear to look at her directly...bu then he did glance up again when she spoke. Her eyes mesmoried him.

Vittorio shook his head and remained where he was, not at all intruding on the great lady's space, though his brow furrowed at her last question....but it is not obvious why in his thoughts. He placed his hand against his chest and nodded deeply at Pandora, a bow of sorts that he felt appropriate when introducing himself to such an ancient being.

"I am Vittorio, my lady."


pandora_antioch March 15 2009, 17:00:10 UTC
She inclines her head, slowly, with the decorum of ancient Rome, though her dress does not belie that origin. Light fabrics in dark colors, faux Victorian fabrics and styles, but the shawl on her shoulder is brazen like a gypsy's and her smile is very kind.

"I am Pandora," she replies softly. Her left ring-finger bears a ring that is not of human make, and she touches it, slowly, an after thought, a thumb rolling on a cherished jewel. "Have you just come, then?"

Her hand lifts, slowly - an invitation to take a seat across from her, unspoken yet clear.


v_is_vittorio March 15 2009, 22:02:21 UTC
Vittorio nods again when Pandora reveals her name, also answering her question about his arrival since he did appear at the mansion not long ago. He cannot keep from trembling slightly when she invites him to sit, obviously fearful of her great presence, but then he bravely comes forward.

He does not hide his fascination at being so close to Pandora, his luminous eyes looking her over and taking in the paleness of her limbs and the curve of her throat. Vittorio once again thinks that the descriptions he has read do not do her justice.

"I am honoured, my lady. You are... exquisite. Even more beautiful than the angels themselves." Vittorio's tone is honest and passionate despite the fear he feels from being so close to Pandora. He sits across from her and then becomes very still, his fingertips pressing lightly against the armrest of the chair.


pandora_antioch March 15 2009, 23:39:59 UTC
Pandora's smile is very quiet, very subtle. "Thank you. You flatter well, Vittorio, but it is not necessary. I am not the Queen of the Damned, and I will not smite you for your youth. Be at ease." She puts down her pen, and wraps her hands under her chin.

"Tell me of your new arrival, and where you were. I wonder how it is, that we have never met." She is all attention, it's so pleasant to know someone who isn't busy trying to depress you, like her maker, for example.


v_is_vittorio March 16 2009, 02:38:42 UTC
He manages to smile very faintly when Pandora says not to be afraid, then he nods to show that he understands. His hand flattens on the armrest, but then he becomes very still as he watches the other immortal, still studying her and taking in her beauty.

"I came here from Florence, gracious lady. And..." Vittorio trails off slightly, as if he isn't sure what else to say, but then he only smiles at her before sitting forward slightly in his seat, wanting to be closer to her despite the slight fear he feels as well. "I keep to myself. It is no surprise to me that we have never had, as they say. My companion and I are quite shy." It isn't that he is shy as much as...wary of other vampires, but he is sure Pandora can understand that.


pandora_antioch March 16 2009, 03:36:54 UTC
She nods, signifying her understanding on all levels. "I have fled the company of our kind more often than not, Vittorio. Be at ease, for I would not begrudge you for it."

She smiles, a little, tilting her head to the side. "Pray tell, who is your companion?" Her eyes are almost assessing, but not quite, they are gentle as they rest on his frail frame. She finds him beautiful, refined, and most pleasant to speak with. All in all, he is meeting her approval.


v_is_vittorio March 17 2009, 19:04:16 UTC
Vittorio is put at ease by Pandora's words and his entire body becomes more relaxed where he sits--though he still is wary of her, not trusting the great immortal despite how he genuinely admires her. But Vittorio does not trust anyone, not even his own maker and companion.

"My companion? She is the one who made me. Her name is Ursula." He lets his mind open then so that Pandora might see his companion. She is young in older than her mid-teens, just like himself. Ursula's hair is ash-blonde and long, down to her waist, her eyes gray. She is extremely beautiful and waif-like, and by the look of it a few hundred years older than Vittorio with how pale she is. He lets the image of her fade after that as he focuses on Pandora again.

"We have lived together for over five-hundred years."


pandora_antioch March 18 2009, 03:17:48 UTC
Pandora takes this in - a beautiful girl, making a beautiful young man, and part of her catches the emotions attached to Ursula, which almost makes her shiver. Her hand touches her ring, again, and its power does not radiate, it only soothes her a moment, though perhaps this is enough for Vittorio to sense the magic. It's not a threat - it is her own control over her emotions, and this however shows little, as her face remains quiet, still.

"Then you have my congratulations," she replies with a gentle smile. It's twice over how long she and Marius tolerated each other, and more. She's impressed. "Yet I feel her not here," she adds quietly. "Have you been separated, then?"


v_is_vittorio March 19 2009, 03:07:55 UTC
The ring that Pandora wears catches Vittorio's attention. He is so distracted by it that he almost does not hear Pandora's question, but he glances up in an instant. His emotions suddenly become difficult to read, though beneath it all there is a sadness there.

"Since my book has been published she has been... spending more time on her own. And that in turn has led me to explore more than I am used to... To try new things. That is how I found this place."


pandora_antioch March 19 2009, 04:28:04 UTC
Her voice is tender as she speaks, eyes on his face, her hand however covering the ring, now, in an unthought, slow, protective motion. "I understand," she replies softly. "Publication does create a rift, more often than not," she says, as if commentating on something quite personal. "This is a new beginning for you, Vittorio. It will be well."

Her eyes are on him, assessing - the secret of the ring is actually not so dire, yet those have called forth dangerous sorts of greed in the past. Experience compelled her to deeper caution.


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