Yes, another one

Feb 12, 2009 18:37

Khardeen just likes these things. And he figures this one can't hurt anyone. At any rate, some rooms and furniture are just randomly spelled. Should a denizen of the Mansion sit in one of these spelled chairs, or step into a room, they may find themselves...altered.

Of course, as Khary is a good boy, and wouldn't want anyone to be bored, he left plenty of entertainment items out, too. Teddy bears, blocks, stuffed animals, ribbons, sparkly things...any toy you can think of, it's probably around here somewhere. He might have enlisted help, it's hard to say. At any rate...

Mansion, meet children.

Mun: Standard kiddification crackplot, please play responsibly. XD

faraday, daeron, jaenelle, khardeen, crackplot, celegorm, anita blake, caranthir, lucivar, kvothe, rice!pandora, aredhel, bast, findarato, celebrimbor, phedre

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