the dragon's daughter

Dec 07, 2008 22:49

(Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more of King Arthur’s children unaccounted for…)

Goewin is looking for Lleu.

She is Arthur and Guinevere’s daughter, Lleu’s twin sister and his senior by a few scant minutes. She’s not sure whether she’ll find him alive or dead-or worse, some terrible state in between-and she may be so fixed on avenging him it doesn’t really matter.

She too is dressed for a winter’s hunting, but unlike her twin brother, she is armed and dangerous. She has a hunting bow and a full quiver over her back and a spear in her left hand; this is rather too large for her, but she could do as much damage battering you with the butt end as she could with the blade.

She should be civil enough to most people, but is likely to be less than polite to any of Morgause’s scions.

[T: Goewin, like Lleu, is from The Winter Prince by E. Wein.  The typist collapsed under pressure decided we really have to have the matched set.  In order to save all our brains Goewin has landed here from exactly the same point in time as Lleu; she hasn’t met Telemakos yet, but he is sure to recognize her.]

mordred, telemakos, guinevere, sir kay, melou, gaheris, courfeyrac, introduction

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