Something wicked this way comes?

Oct 12, 2008 22:00

The newest arrival in the mansion is a tall, dark, mysterious man. Tall because he's a few inches shy of seven feet tall (about 6'8", if anyone's asking); dark because he's wearing a black leather duster, black fedora, and a black leather glove on his left hand (underneath the duster is a very ordinary t-shirt and pair of jeans, plus some dusty old cowboy boots, but most of this is obscured by the duster); and mysterious because -- well no one's met him yet, have they?

In one hand is his blasting rod, carved with ancient and powerful runes. His wizard's staff and sword cane are tied securely to his duster, and he wears a pentacle around his neck and a silver bracelet around his right wrist.

His mystique, however, is ruined by the fact that he's chasing after a very large grey cat who, in turn, is chasing after a very small grey dog.

"Mister, I swear to -- something really high up that if you eat Mouse, you will never be forgiven!"

The man slows to a jog, then all the way to a stop and takes in his new surroundings. "... hell's bells. Kansas this ain't."

Typist: Harry Dresden, taken a little bit after Blood Rites. With him are Mister, a 30 pound (definitely) male (probably) wildcat; and Mouse, a small ball of fluff Tibetan temple dog with a notch in his ear. Very friendly, very squeaky. Mouse, that is. Mister would probably knock you over and demand food.

That's about enough out of me. Say hi!

henry fitzroy, lucivar, lamorak, galadriel, eris, firekeeper, introduction, caliban leandros, anita blake

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