(no subject)

Jun 21, 2008 22:32

Ometochtli will not let himself be overshadowed by some upstart European. Especially not one who appears to make alcohol out of fruit. That's just weird.

To achieve this, he has set up a large, open barrel of pulque (which, incidentally, seems to be bottomless) in a readily visible spot against a wall. Next to it, is a low table covered in stacks of jicaras*. Hanging on a hook above the barrel is a ladle, ready and waiting.

Below the table is the rabbit Ometochtli himself. He appears to be napping, out of view of the crowd. As a matter of fact, he is perfectly alert. After all, when humans drink pulque, he drinks pulque.

Or he ought to, anyway. Should you forget to offer Ometochtli some of your drink (which can be done just by splashing a little from your jicara to the floor), he will not be pleased. And I'm sorry to say that you shall skip all the pleasant effects of inebriation, and head straight to the negative. You know, vomiting, making a total ass of yourself, that sort of thing.

Not that there's a sign, or anything. After all, doesn't everyone know you're supposed to give some of your octli** to Ometochtli?

* Bowls made from the dried jicara fruit. The traditional Aztec way to drink pulque.

**Another word for pulque. It just sounds better here. Incidentally, pulque is viscous and apparently tastes a bit like sour milk. Unless you mix it with fruit juice, then it tastes like fruit juice. That's for lightweights, though. Also, it's notorious for going bad really quickly, at which point it gets really, really smelly. The stuff in the barrel should be safe, though. It's magic.

dionysus, centzon totochtin, crackplot

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