Open post

May 23, 2008 14:32

Georg has been out at the lake, "working" for the mansion, though really it doesn't feel like work at all. To spend all day outside, getting the cuffs of his pants wet, dangling a fishing pole in the water and waiting, watching clouds slide across the sky -- that isn't work. That's bliss. He's having another of those moments when he realizes that he couldn't be more grateful for his arrival at the mansion.

The bottoms of his trousers are wet, he smells of fish and bait, his glasses are hopelessly smudged, and his hands are rather dirty -- but he couldn't be happier. Even having managed to catch only one fish worth keeping, it was a glorious day, and a glorious feeling to know he's being useful. He heads into the kitchen, setting his things down on the floor and going to wash his hands.

If anyone's been wondering what it's like to talk to a content, fishy, gay German boy, here's your chance.

T: COLLEGE IS DONE FOR THE SUMMER. Let's celebrate with fish guts, hurraaaaay.

martha bessel, georg zirschnitz, phedre

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