
Oct 13, 2007 21:59

Today is the first birthday of Jareth and Amadeo's daughter, Aisling, and the occasion, though obviously a happy one, has her daddy in a somewhat reflective mood.

He's come to the mansion in particular to seek out his mother, but any and all conversation is welcome.

denis, mamadeo, amadeo, lestat

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eggpainter October 17 2007, 17:33:17 UTC
Mother is there for she has no where else to go and is still frightened of what has happened to her. She has taken to sitting beside the fireplace in the little room she has taken. It is warmer in the mansion than ever it was in Kiev but she finds comfort in the familiarity of flames and firelight.

In her hands she holds her painted egg as she sits thinking of her family and her home that she may never see again. When her thoughts are not of these things she is thinking of her Andrei, her child no longer lost to her. Only when she prays does she speak aloud, her lips moving as the words come slow and very softly.


botticelliangel October 22 2007, 20:07:40 UTC
Amadeo slips silently into her room, kneeling beside her chair and gently closing his hands around hers. "Mother, are you well?"


eggpainter October 23 2007, 04:47:55 UTC
"Andrei." A smile comes to her sallow face as she looks upon him. "Ah, I do well now to see you my son."


botticelliangel October 27 2007, 04:08:55 UTC
Amadeo smiles in return at that, glancing around her little room curiously. "You have found comfort here?" It's rather an anxious question - he is greatly concerned for her, all alone.


eggpainter October 28 2007, 04:40:52 UTC
The room is sparse with but a small bed and her chair beside the the fireplace, but it is far cleaner and warmer than the home in Kiev she left. She is anxious still over the unknown way she has come to be at the mansion though, and for the family she has left.

"I take comfort in knowing that God has reason of which I know not for what has happened and in the hope that He shall in His great sight let me come to understand it in time." She lifts one rough hand to touch his cheek. "I take comfort that God has answered one of my prayers. I have prayed to see you again Andrei and He has brought you here."


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