It's a hobbit invasion...

Jun 22, 2007 05:02

Pippin had only been in Minas Tirith for two days and they were already the loneliest two days of his life. Gandalf was busy doing important things, Denethor was not exactly the best company, Beregond was always on duty, and Bergil was nice but even he had other duties. And Merry... Merry was far away in Rohan and it was likely that they would never see each other again. Pippin felt like he was waiting for death in a dying city.

Denethor finally sent him on an errand after he had spent hours waiting outside of the Steward's chambers. But Pippin was fairly certain that he had gotten lost somewhere along the way. Unsure of himself, he knocked on a door and poked his head in to ask for directions to the armorer. He didn't even realize that was at the mansion immediately.  "Er. Hello?"

Typist: He hasn't been played for almost two years, he was played sparingly then, there's nothing about him in the wiki and I can find neither hide nor hair of the typist. I took that to mean that he's free game.  If not, let me know and we can pretend this never happened.

richard carstone, merry, esmeralda, re-introduction, edgar huntly, pippin, astor and cody, armand, frodo

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