Treasured by
fleet_everland - Sharpe, R, Sharpe/Wellington.
Victory by
fleet_everland - Sharpe, R, Sharpe/Wellington.
Treasured by
latin_cat - Sharpe, R, Sharpe/Wellington.
Serving Tremaine, 9/? by
grondfic - The Masqueraders, Georgette Heyer/City of Vice crossover, R, Robin Tremaine, John Burton, Constable Welch, Magistrate Fielding
Destiny's Fight, 6/? by
immortal_jedi - PotC, PG-13, ensemble cast, Will/Elizabeth.
Dignity by
cersia5 - PotC, G, Jack/Elizabeth.
Wildest of Waves, 4/? by
sammistarr - PotC, NC-17, Beckett/OFC.
Wear your Best by
cersia5 - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth.
Strange Child in a Strange Place, 11/? by
immortal_jedi - PotC, PG, Will jr., Bootstrap, crew and captain of the Dutchman, Will/Elizabeth.
Strange Child in a Strange Place, 12/? by
immortal_jedi - PotC, PG, Will jr., Bootstrap, crew and captain of the Dutchman, Will/Elizabeth.
Reliable Indicator of Health by
yoiebear - PotC, NC-17, Will/Elizabeth, OC.
Place of Torment by
stealmybike - PotC, PG, Jack, Jack's conscience and multiple Jacks.
River of Loss by
cersia5 - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth.
Dreaming in Hell by
cersia5 - PotC, PG-13, Jack/Elizabeth.
Treasured Tresures, 2/? by
compassrose7577 - PotC, PG, Jack/OFC, crew of the Black Pearl, OCs.
Here there be Dragons, /? by
djarum99 - PotC, R, Jack/Elizabeth, Teague, Barbossa.
Esprit de Corps, 19/? by
stealmybike - PotC, PG, Jack, OC, OCC, Ragetti, Pintel, Gibbs, Marty.
Sanctuary by
azure-horizon - PotC, R, Jack/Tia Dalma.
Lack of Direction by
stealmybike - PotC, G, Jack, multiple Jacks, and Jack’s conscience.
Jack to the Future, 31/? by
sharklady35 - PotC, PG, Jack, Norrington.
Voyages of the Dawn Chaser, 38/? by
peladonww - PotC, PG, Jack, OCs, Barbossa, BP crew, Gibbs , Groves, navy.
Son et Lumière
16 icons for "Pride and Prejudice" (1995) by
7 icons for "Sharpe" by
PotC fanart:
L'amour, l'amour by
lolitalockhart. PG, Governor Swann/Capitaine Chevalle.
PotC fanart:
Zombie!Will and Jack cosplay by
PotC fanart:
Playing our Music (aged version) by
lineae. G, Norrington/Gillette.
PotC fanart:
Playing our Music (original version) by
lineae. G, Norrington/Gillette.
Of historical interest
maudelynn asks about street lights in Belgravia 1779 and link boys
black_hound posts about the 3 pounder cannon "Defiance"
Miscellany and meta
kc-risenphoenix is looking for pictures of "sexy pirates" (male)
abitobsessed posts a Pintel and Ragetti clip
joyful_molly posts about historical gay romance and feminism
Communities and challenges
mandc_read discuss Chapter 3 of "The Mauritius Command"
blackpearlsails issues this week's drabble challenge:
jackwill discuss PotC 4
jackwill issues this week's drabble challenge:
potc100 issues this week's drabble challenge:
Got a link for the next issue?
Please comment and let us know.