Age of Sail Fandom Despatches # 419

Aug 31, 2012 20:54


The Feverish Welcome by zilah1 - Aubrey-Maturin, NC-17, Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin.
Claimed by heather_mist - Aubrey-Maturin, R, Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin.
MAES 23: A Frozen World by renaiya880727 - Aubrey-Maturin, R.
MAES 24: A Heavy Responsibility by renaiya880727 - Aubrey-Maturin, R.

Control by jestana - Hornblower, PG-13, Captain Pellew, Major My Lord Edrington; Pellew/Edrington.
Reflections by jestana - Hornblower, PG, Major "My Lord" Edrington.
Greek Myths by jestana - Hornblower, PG, Horatio/Archie.
At Justinian's Academy For Young Men by jestana - Hornblower, PG-13, Archie/Horatio, Edrington, Bowles, Bush, Simpson, Eccelston, Keene, Hepplewhite, Matthews, Styles, Wolfe, Jack Hammond, Orrock, Pellew.

Enhancing by jestana - 1776, G, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington.

Steadiness under Fire - The Flight of the Heron, PG, Keith Windham/Ewen Cameron.

Son et Lumière

Master and Commander fanart: Various pictures by artist Munin.

Of historical interest

anteros_lmc posts more on "The Ship Under The Floor".
joyful_molly posts about the doodling queen of 1789.
ctrent29 posts an article on "THE SUPERSIZERS": Eating Through History.
anteros_lmc reviews "Commander - Biography of Sir Edward Pellew" by Stephen Taylor.
joyful_molly posts about Oh what big teeth you have, Louise of Prussia! Dental Set, 1810.
anteros_lmc posts about Amanda Vickery's "Men: Sailors" (BBC Radio 4).

Miscellany and meta

aletheiafelinea posts PotC Recs Weekly #15.

Communities and challenges

mandc_read will be reading Master and Commander, Chapter Eight this weekend.
potc_drabbles: this week's prompt: Hurricane.
blackpearlsails: this week's drabble invitation: Hammock.
potc100: this week's challenge: Earring.
following_sea: Caption Competition #40 Vote!
cutler_beckett: WE MUST BUILD THIS CHARACTER! (Dame Judy dench in PotC4).
cutler_beckett: PotC Poll! (and a Dame!): Is the PotC Fandom dead?

Got a link for the next issue?

Please comment and let us know.

1776, horatio hornblower, the flight of the heron, aubrey-maturin

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