Age of Sail Fandom Despatches # 386

Jan 06, 2012 20:38


Later by ashley_pitt - Aubrey-Maturin, R, Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin.

Divide we Fall, United we Stand by sharpiefan - Hornblower, PG, Hornblower, Bush, Kennedy, Bush, original Marines.
Hot Water by eglantine_br - Hornblower, R, Hornblower/Kennedy.
Grounded by donnaimmaculata - Hornblower, NC-17, Horatio/Archie.
Fortune and Men's Eyes by rikibeth - Hornblower, PG, Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy.
Windfalls, Chapter 5 by ioanite - Hornblower, PG, Horatio Hornblower/Captain Amelia.
Pole Star Of My Heart by rikibeth - Hornblower, R, Horatio/Archie.
The Rock in the Field by eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Kennedy.
The Art of (Pre Union) Negotiation by esmerelda_t - Hornblower, Horatio/Archie.

The Mouths of Babes by paracletelux - Garrow's Law, G, William Garrow/Sarah Hill.
It Takes a Village by meretricula - Temeraire, G, Laurence/Tharkay.
A Bag of Cats by latin_cat - Sharpe, PG, Sharpe/Wellington, Hogan, Perkins.

Fruitcakes by shrieking_ell - PotC/?, G.

All Your Nights Belong to Me, Chapter 31 by cassiopaya - PotC, NC-17, Beckett/Norrington.
Metal i slowa, Chapter 12 by aletheiafelinea - PotC, PG-13, Jack Sparrow and crowd of OCs (in Polish).
Spirits Lost by hereswith - PotC, PG, Jack/Elizabeth.
Comment Fic by cassiopaya - PotC, R, Norrington/Beckett.
Distressing Damsels by geekmama - PotC, PG, Jack/Elizabeth, Angelica, Gibbs.

Son et Lumière

Pride and Prejudice (2005): Icons by adamwolf.

Horatio Hornblower fanart: Take What I Offer by anacoretta, PG-13, Archie/Horatio.
Horatio Hornblower fanart: First Footing by katriona_s.
Horatio Hornblower fanart: Hogmanay by katriona_s.

PotC fanmixes: Will/Elizabeth: Your Fleeting Heart and Jack/Elizabeth: Such Selfish Prayers by whensheflies.
PotC OST: Theo (Groves) Macro by cassiopaya.
PotC: Icons by aletheiafelinea.

Of historical interest

Miscellany and meta

wayward_shadows posts about Navy officers' book.

esteven posts about Patrick O'Brian on BBC Radio 4ex.

Communities and challenges

hms_surprise: ylla posts On quails.
following_sea: Caption Competition #34.
anything_aos: Admin note: mirror on DW.
potc_drabbles: this week's prompt: Hair.
cutler_beckett: cassiopaya is looking for prompts.
comeholdmyheart: Best of 2011: My Thread!!!!
following_sea: anteros_lmc posts about Hornblower Remastered.
mandc_read will be reading The Hundred Days, Chapter One this weekend.
following_sea: The Following Sea Review of 2011!
following_sea: donnaimmaculata posts Retribution set pics, with added Aww...! effect.

Got a link for the next issue?

Please comment and let us know.

garrow's law, horatio hornblower, pride and prejudice, temeraire, aubrey-maturin, sharpe, pirates of the caribbean

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