random update

Dec 22, 2012 11:13

Yo all.

I'm on a train right now, heading north to the folks for the next few days. Currently hugely short of sleep and packed in seconds flat, so I shudder to think what I've forgotten--I'm already regretting the lack of umbrella, and I've a horrible feeling I don't have my laptop charger.

Christmas (in case you're one of the few who hasn't been on the receiving end of one of my rants) is not my favorite time of year. But there you go. This post is not the place for family-related angst. I'm braced for trouble as per usual, and that's all that need be said.

Shiny things instead:

* Going to see The Hobbit tonight with my dad. Given that I spent 2 amazing years in the dwarfy end of LotR fandom in my younger days (Legolas/Gimli was my first slash pairing before I even the what slash was) I think a new obsession is pretty much inevitable.
* Once I get through the relatives, I get to spend the new year with Talcat and Mordentlore and large amounts of terrible telly and political gossip and speculation.
* My job has been renewed for another six months! It's the most fun I've ever had while still being paid, so I'm really glad it's continuing. I'm currently studying for a SQL Server developer qualification in my spare time in order to help keep the awesome going. Plus, making data jump through hoops is fun.
* I'm working on some pretty awesome-looking jewellery projects right now. Hope to work on them at my mum's, as it's one of the few things we can do together without fights.
* Cool things are already getting sorted out for next year: Lib Dem Spring Conference, Harrogate bead fair and WOMAD music festival are being paid for now, just in case my job does end in six months
* The fic that ate my brain appears to have spawned a sequel. Whether this counts as shiny I have no idea, but it's only a matter off time before the plottings turn into words.

Lolitics tweeps, anyone want a drabble? I'm trying to get the words flowing again (nano didn't go well), and nothing succeeds at that like ransom paragraphs of porn etc. Gimme a character and a word and I'll see what I can do.

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