Draw it normally along with the song, okay?'>
((Based off the song in here:))
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In darkness, a soothing piano tune starts playing
A tulip has fallen sideways due to the wind~
There is a peaceful field of colorful tulips swaying to one side due to the wind when the line is sung.
A tulip has fallen sideways due to the wind~
Another voice repeats the line cheerfully. As the view pans around the field, split second flashes of another scene comes up every few seconds. It's an extreme close up of the back of Nozomu's head as he collapses within the field.
The sky sparks white as the word is uttered.
The thunder rumbles soon afterwards.
A flash of silver. Or was it a close up of a blade edge swinging down quickly?
The view suddenly turns red for a few seconds.
Rain pours down...
Both mysterious singers are now singing in unison. The tulip heads softly twitch while the rain gently upon them, leaving glistening crystal orbs on their petals. Some of the droplets flew violently from the side, leaving red spots in the tulips. It wasn't very noticable, but it is shown if one pays attention to the flowers further in the background.
The rain leaks through the cracks...
Drops fall from the flowers, running down the side of a jagged rock Nozomu's head is resting on. Face first.
...and makes two round puddles!
The water reaches the ground, making a puddle grow. It soon merges with another puddle that might be red. Can you tell the color against the soil?
Let's go fishing,
Suddenly, a view of the ocean.
It's a fishing hook.
There is a close up of a fishing hook as it falls and plops into the water.
We made some dried fish with what we caught~
The backs of two men are shown. It looks like they're reeling something up from the opposite side of the boat. When they haul their catch in, a part of Nozomu's kimono can be seen. Why they're using fishing rods when there's a fishing net already set for catching tuna is beyond me.
It's Zetsubou Sensei!
Itoshiki Nozomu wakes up with a start, suddenly sitting up and screaming, horror etched on his face. The scene fades into monochrome then converts into a sketchly look. Somarium is written on a blank corner like a signature.
The music stops.
Did everyone draw well?
Bye bye!~