Jan 04, 2010 08:52

Tis a new year! Time to start new and fresh! It seems that is exactly what I'm doing! :O Those whom I'd lost in the year since passed have recently been in touch. Perhaps there is hope yet! I feel a bit odd about it, of course; Something I suppose that I'll just have to figure out. ;\ It's still v e r y refreshing to have someone be interested in whats happening in my life. That's more than what I got from a few others, anyway. It's nice to know that s o m e o n e cares about my minute existence...

I am officially employed with my father! I'm already learning things about the legal world - It's c r a z y!! Its tough work, but I'm enjoying it. I've been trying a more positive approach to things as of late as well. Twas my R e s o l u t i o n, actually. I saw myself dealing in absolutes a lot; black or white, "To be or not to be". But, I think life is a lot more than Black and White. Nothing is absolute, so why should I consider everything as such? I shouldn't. So, this year, I'm taking a different approach.

So! Now I want to take a moment to talk about something completely different. N a b a r i N o O u. WTG! I finished the anime this weekend and, OMG, I was so pissed. X[ READ THE MANGA. Its better. u__u Oi... Also! P e r c y
J a c k s o n N e w s: This just in! Logan Lerman is going to be at a mall in California, signing and doing a Q&A at a Hot Topic on JANUARY 15th! FML! FML! FML! Why doesn't that happen around here!? I mean, sure, RPattz came to the Galleria, but who cares about him? I WANT MAH PERCY FUCKING JACKSON!!! Dx AAAGH!


I suppose that's enough for now.
Love, love.
~♥ ♥ ♥~

updates, happiness, life, percy jackson, love, movies, logan lerman

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