Dec 14, 2009 10:29
Holy crap! I am so tired of seeing Robert Fucking Pattinson!
Okay people! YES, he plays Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie series, but he is not that attractive. Furthermore, chill the fuck out! Edward Cullen isn't even REAL. I used to love Twilight, but now I'm fucking sick of it! Edward and Bella need to fucking drown in a chasm of FIRE!
What spurred this on? Well, to be honest, I'm trying to find reference pictures of Alec. Yes. I want to work on his jacket and such and I can't find any pictures of him because, what, wait for it - That's right! Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson is the only thing anyone fucking focuses on or gives a shit about. HES NOT THAT GREAT. The character is dull and thin. All he does his whine and draw out the series for no reason other than he doesn't have the balls to bite a bitch!
Hey! Here's an idea! Why not give some love to Cedric Fucking Diggory?! Ugh. e___e;
I'm just tired of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart being all over everything, everywhere, all the time. I want something else. This is running dry. They're not even that interesting as regular people. Really. Their 2 demensional. >__< Thank GOD for Logan Lerman. I can't wait for Percy Jackson and the Olympians to come out. Hopefully that will give the world something else to focus on. Something more stimulating than the stereotypical "Male Lead struggles to save Female Lead" bullshit.
~♥ ♥ ♥~
kristen stewart,
logan lerman,
robert pattinson,
new moon,