Oct 30, 2011 23:57

Player Name: Jockey

Personal LJ: vjockey

AIM Contact:

Character Name: Ryu Terui (In the Westernized Format of course)

Source Canon: Kamen Rider W

Community Tag: Ryu Terui



Personality: Terui is a very driven individual; I would like to put very large emphasis on the last two words. He is immensely stubborn to the point of single-mindedness during several occasions (ESPECIALLY on things involving the W Memory Dopant) to the point of not caring for his well being, that of those around him and being utterly ruthless throughout such occasions (He DOES reel back when he finds out that he’s got the wrong person though so at least he feels regret for mistakes). He isn't the most compassionate of people and can be seen as callous in most regards (e.g. during the Invisible Memory arc until it hit home that the victim was acting with the same disregard for what those who cared about her felt was very similar to his own feelings he was more than willing to let her die.)

He is a solitary person, preferring to go at things alone for the most part as he believes that others would merely slow him down or get in his way - at least in terms of direct assistance. He is not above having others gather information for him, though it could be said that it's just getting resources to push forward. As such these two traits mean he is a very difficult person to deal with, especially since he is loathe to show any sort of vulnerability or fault on his part.

He is in a way the other side of the coin to Shoutarou; the Hard-Boiled to the Half-boiled if you will. Whereas Shoutarou for a lack of better term puts his feeling into his “work”, Terui is much more colder towards it and is a true professional (At least until ANYTHING regarding the W Dopant pops up.) and he is also far more ready to kill than Shoutarou if the many instances of finding someone he believes to be the elusive Mr W can be believed. It is also to be noted that his composure will utterly break whenever he believes he's close to taking the W Dopant down, and should anyone try to assist him there is a mild chance of getting yelled at for getting in his way/interfering as well as a high chance of unfriendly fire.

He does of course get better and ease up a little, becoming a little friendlier and somewhat more approachable than he was before, though on the whole he does remain a serious and still rather stubborn person. Perhaps the greatest example of this change is a deeper sense of compassion as well as control - as he discovers who was responsible for the creation of the W dopant, yet lets the one responsible go, knowing her reasons and that she felt regret for all the lives the W dopant had taken. Additionally he also begins to see that being a Kamen Rider is not just about having raw power at his beck and call but also that there is a duty to protect people as well, just as he learns to care about the city of Fuuto - which he initially despised. On the whole he becomes less ruthless and by learning from a certain Half-Boiled detective has learned to play nice with others.

It is to be noted that he does have a few quirks going on for him, one is that he despises Ice-pops and other assorted frozen foods due to a certain incident that the W-Dopant caused. He also is not that good around women as well as public displays of affection, given the fact that in two separate occasions he had grown immensely frantic as well as had fled the scene in a hurry. Adding to this list is a rather poor taste for women (or good taste, its all a matter of opinion depending on how you see Akiko.).

Capabilities and Resources: He is regarded as a brilliant man in the field of police work and has been involved in the investigation of many “odd” cases - mostly in the hopes to track down “W” (not Double). He also seems to show some immunity to the effects of certain GaiaMemories that affect the mind and body (Terror and Age being cited as examples here). When not henshined he travels around on a Ducati 999 Motorbike - Dubbed the Diabolossa.

Robot Name: Kamen Rider Accel

Robot Description: By utilizing the Accel GaiaMemory with the Accel Driver he can transform into Kamen Rider Accel. Accel is capable of withstanding immense amounts of punishment as well as unleashing immense amounts of heat to the point even getting frozen by the Ice Age Dopant doesn’t even seem to faze him.

Accel is also capable of changing into a (Distinctively painful looking) motorbike form, in this form he has immense mobility - though his primary method of offense in such a form is limited to running people over and superheated exhaust. He later gains access to the Gunner A - to which he can link himself to in Bike form to gain some firepower from its GaiaCannon. Additionally it is possible for Accel to combine with Double’s Revolgarry attatchments; One such combination being with the Turbuler.

In addition to the strength boost that all Kamen Riders receive Accel is also armed with the Engine Blade, an immensely heavy sword to ordinary men which Accel is capable of swinging around with ease. The Engine Blade is capable of cutting through a car just through sheer weight and a swing by an un-henshined person, it is easy to guess what kind of damage it can do when Terui is wielding it as Accel.

The blade itself has an Artificial GaiaMemory - the Engine Memory - which can boost its offensive abilities based on various engines (Steam, Jet and Electric - A searing steam blast, a jet blade strike or an energy wave and an electrically imbued blade respectively). The Engine Blade is also capable of utilizing other GaiaMemories such as the Cyclone memory to power its attacks and maximum Drives.

Kamen Rider Accel’s Maximum Drives (Finishing Attacks) include the Accel Glanzer (a charging, flaming spinning heel kick), the Bike Engine Dasher (A high speed slam in bike form, grinding the front wheel of the form into the target all the while),the Dynamic Ace (a highly concentrated energy blast unleashed from the Engine Blade) and the A Slasher (A trio of consecutive, powerful strikes).

Terrain Stats:
Land: A (S in Bike Form)
Air: D (B when attached to the RevolGarry’s Turbuler attachment)
Sea: D
Space: D (B when attached to the Turbuler)

Upgrades: Terui gets two upgrades to his standard Accel form: Trial and Booster

Accel Trial sacrifices force and defence for raw speed in all forms of movement - including attack. As such in this form Terui is capable of unleashing a truly immense amount of punches and kicks (and Slashes if armed with the Engine Blade).

The Accel Trial form however comes at another price aside from the lowered defence and strength, when its Maximum Drive is activated it only has under TEN SECONDS to unleash hell upon the user’s opponent.

If the timer on the memory hits ten Terui is forced PAINFULLY out of his Rider form with all the vulnerability that comes with it. However should the maximum drive be successful he will remain in Trial form in addition to landing however many blows he was able to on his opponent.

His Maximum Drives in Trial form are the Machine Gun Spike (a barrage of kicks that leave an energy trail resembling skidmarks in the shape of a T) as well as the Machine Gun Slasher (With sword attacks replacing the kicks.)

Terrain Stats:
Land: S
Air: D
Sea: D
Space: D

Accel Booster on the other hand is in the middle of both Accel and Trial; being a Mix of Defense, Offense and Speed. It is also the only form out of the three that is capable of flight (and presumably unassisted movement in space). This form only occurs should the Accel Memory be supercharged by the GaiaMemory Enhancement Adapter which triples the power of the memory that is plugged into it. Given that particular bit of information it can easily be said that all Maximum Drives utilized by Accel Booster are three times as powerful.

The only Maximum Drive that has been seen preformed by Accel Booster is the Booster Slash - a supercharged golden blade of energy that the Engine Blade projects that allows it to cleave through targets easily. It can be assumed that it can also perform Accel’s standard Maximum Drives, albeit with certain changes.

Terrain Stats:
Land: A
Air: A
Sea: D
Space: A

Job: Police Superintendent, though he seems to prefer taking matters into his own hands a lot.

Suggested Event List:

The I That Doesn't Stop. - Terui makes his appearance before the White Chalice - Specifically seeking the Two in one Kamen Rider in order to carry out an investigation regarding a series of "freezing" attacks. He reveals to be a Kamen Rider himself, though for much less noble reasons than Shoutarou and Philip. he joins the crew afterwards for his own reasons.

The T Returns - An investigation goes awry when a Police investigator assumed dead turns up again as a Dopant. Things are not as they seem however as the situation soon reaches a point that the Triceratops Dopant enlarges and is about to go on a massive rampage. Terui recieves the Gunner A for this mission in order to take it down.

The D was Watching - 'Mr W' - The Dopant responsible for the traumatic event that has made Terui the man he is today has revealed himself. Selecting an unwitting pawn to be his human test tube for the growth of the Invisible Gaiamemory he soon proves to be a horrifically strong opponent.

Beyond the R - The elusive 'Mr W' strikes once more. In a bid to increase his own abilities the W Dopant terrorizes a chosen target in order to have a suitable 'incubator' for the Quezacotl Memory, planning to use it to increase his own abilities to go toe to toe with Terror. Shroud - Terui's mysterious benefactor provides the beleaguered Kamen Rider with a way to finally take down the W Dopant. But does he have hatred strong enough to use it? Or will his path of vengeance end with his death?

Kamen Rider W Finale - ??? (Already planned by mods - I think)

Sample Post: Right here.