Well fuck.

Oct 01, 2007 09:28

"There is, however, another current in our lives that can have a chilling effect on all these lovely ideas. It is the retrograde cycle of Mercury that begins on October 11 and ends on November 1. This thrice-annual backward turn of the planet of communication is well known for the mischief it makes. Messages are misplaced, conversations confused, travel plans disturbed and technology tends to become less cooperative at this time. It's vital to slow down and handle details with greater care, to double-check data and communicate with greater precision. Mercury retrograde, though, is an excellent time to complete unfinished business, to reconnect with people from the past, and catch up on maintenance of equipment, your home and even your body.."

I'm just sayin'.

Sooooooooooo yesterday I began working on the mural in the kids bathroom FINALLY after living here almost 4 years.  After looking into several different mediums, I decided on colored pencil. It's turning out soooo cute but it's not easy to do with a ninja kitten climbing my leg, a puppy chewing on my toe, and a two year old who doesn't understand why she can't scibble on the walls also. I let Travis help me on things I know I can go back over because he was dying to help.

Once Bella went down for her nap, I went to the treehouse and began working on it. It still doesn't have a roof but I think I like it that way. I took down the little door kyle built that has never worked and I filed down the edges and rehung it and now it totally works. I put a latch on it also. I spray painted the old swinging doors from the flower shop black and hung them as shudders for the front window. I hung the extremely heavy window boxes also from the flower shop. That was NOT easy. I nailed bark along the top of the window and one of the doors. I hung an old fisning net as a curtain for the front window and I planted vines in the boxes. I hung an old jolly roger kite on one side next to the door, and I nailed ropes for handles on the steps for those who always complain that there is nothing to hold onto. I hung an old bell by the door. I sprayed an old scrap of lattice black and put it over the double windows because it just needed something. I must make peekturez!!! Just keep in mind that it was just a square wood box with steps that travis never played in.

Then I showered and knitted until I fell asleep. I couldn't get warm to save my life. I hope I'm not getting sick. Well I guess I'd better get to work. Lots of things I should have done before this retrograde gets here. *grumble*


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